Joke 1:
Person 1: *Throws moon at James*. Person 2: *sees moon coming towards me* WAT THE HEK?!?!? HOW THE HELL?? OH HOLY CHEESE O_o. Person 1: this is EPIC DUDE *throws bra and knickers at James*. Person 2: WAT THE WERE DA HEK R U GETING THESE STUFF FROM - btw these knickers have brown spots yuck!!
kittyQXcute: Lol that was true LOL I CANT STOP LAUGHING XD well I have a friend called James and omg we were throwing random stuff so that joke happened for real XD.
Joke 2:
Why do u always go to a party with someone that is cuter than u then the badguy comes along well this how it goes: OH UR SO CUTE U R CUTE TOO!! then the bad guy comes along GAHHHGAHHHGAHHH UR A NUTTER U LOOK LIKE A NUTTER U ACT LIKE A NUTTER ACTUALLY U R A NUTTER!!!
~ JokeBook4Life ~
RandomEllow guys!!! its me kittyQXcute =3 yah! This is my Joke book what I make jokes about something that made me laugh or random jokes, so I will try my nest to make u go LOL Pls do not write bad comments about my jokes so yah! read and grunt giggle chu...