Background/Chapter 1.

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Authors note:
This is my very first book so bear with me. 🤞🏽😬 I also don't know any German and am using google translate so if I don't spell something correct or use the wrong words. Just keep that in mind 😆. I take all productive critism.
I'll be updating a new chapter every two days (hopefully 🤞🏽) . I hope you all like it xoxo 💋

Madeline's POV

I was running as gunshot after gunshot buzzed past my head, leaving a ringing in my ears. The rain making it harder to escape. He was gaining up on me and fast. He can't catch me. Not again. I couldn't go back. Not after all the pain and suffering he put me through.

I wanted my old life back. Just a few more feet and I'll be out of his grasp and his life. Forever. As the police station drew near, so did his steps. Only pushing me to run faster but I lost my balance as a black suv pulled up in front of me cutting me off and causing me to tumble to the ground. "No no no." I cried as I got up holding my stomach as I tried to run again, but his cold calloused hands grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back to him. "You're not going anywhere du kleine Schlampe!" he smacked me hard across my face and shoved me into the awaiting car. (You little bitch)

My hands wrapped protectively around my protruding stomach as a pain shot through it. "The baby! I'm going to lose the baby! Help me!"  You"Madeline... wake up...Madeline!!!"

My eyes shot open as I sat up and looked around placing a hand over my flat stomach. My breathing was labored and a tear escaped as I remembered that terrible memory. "Madeline, it was just a nightmare, you're okay now." I looked towards my best friend who I must've woken up during my so called 'bad dream'. Little does she know that this recurring nightmare is actually a memory from a past I wish to never have to relive.

" Sorry Evelyn, for waking you.. again." I said as I finally calmed down and ran my fingers through my unruly curls. "Maddie, this is the 4th time this week that this has happened. When are you going to tell me what this dreams about?" She sat down next to me as I looked over at my little girls crib in the corner of the room. Evelyn followed my gaze and sighed. "Is it about Brielle's father?"

I looked at her sighing as I nodded and got up to check on Brielle. "I can't talk about my past with her dad. I was sworn to secrecy. And if I break silence..." I shuddered as I recalled all the torment caused to those who broke silence. "He'll find me and who knows what'll happen."

Brielle was still fast asleep in her crib and I went back and laid down on my bed looking at the time seeing it's 4 in the morning. "Elle you should go back to bed you have to work in a few hours. I'll be okay. I have to be." She sighed as she got up and walked towards the door, "come and find me if you need anything. I mean it Madeline." I smiled at her and thanked her as she left and I looked up at the ceiling knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. 

It's been 5 months since I finally escaped Noah and the German Mafia. And 2 months since I gave birth to my daughter who I thought I lost that night I almost escaped. I had to leave everything behind including my family and was forced to start over under a new name.

See, my real name is Ophelia Mae Anderson. I was born and raised inside the American Mafia along with my two sisters and older brothers. My dad was second in command until our leader was killed by the German mafia and my dad took on the role as first in command.

After my dad took over, the German mafia attacked again and I was kidnapped and held for ransom. My family eventually paid the German mafia but I was never given back. Why? Because Noah Nielsen, the son of the German mafia's first in command, had fallen in love with me and I the same.

I was kidnapped when I was 18 and finally escaped when I was 23 when we traveled to New York for a meeting with my family. I thought I was having a miscarriage so I had Noah's driver take me to the hospital and I knocked out the nurses that were helping me and managed to sneak through the back ways of the hospital and took a bus ride from New York City to Clarksville Tennessee. I've been here for the past five months and I'm starting to get used to this simple lifestyle away from all the drugs, abuse, and money.

I met Evelyn the morning I got off the bus and was looking immediately for a place to work and sleep. She and her husband offered me a room and a job at the local diner they own. After I had Brielle, I couldn't afford a babysitter and an apartment so they've been allowing me to live with them rent free and help with Brielle, until I can find a better solution. I owe these two everything.

   Brielle's soft cries pulled me out of my thoughts as I looked at the time seeing that I've been laying here for two hours thinking. Great. Sighing I got up and picked Brielle up and did our morning routine of changing and feeding her and getting myself ready while she had tummy time.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen with Brielle softly gurgling and chewing on her fists. "Why don't we go for a walk my little angel?" I put her in her stroller and off we went. 

I walked to my favorite coffee shop here and as I was crossing through a park, a buff tall man came up who I've seen around before but never approached. He looked at me and then at Brielle. "Your daughter is very beautiful. It'd be a shame to have her taken from you." My eyes grew wide and I backed up a few feet. "Who are you?" The man seemed to get agitated and stepped closer leaning down to my 5'10 height.

  "Ophelia, it's time to stop playing games and come home" his thick German accent finally made its way out from under his impressive American accent.   "H-How do you know my real name?" My eyes started to water as I looked around for anyone to help me but I quickly realized that we were in a discreet area of the park, and no one would be able to fight this man off.

  "I've been tracking you since you left Noah 5 months ago. Did you really think you could leave that easily? Noah put a tracking chip in your neck after the first time you tried leaving. dummes kleines mädchen. I've been authorized to give you 24 hours to collect your things and say your goodbyes. After that you and I are traveling back to Germany." (Foolish little girl) 

  The man turned getting ready to leave but stopped once he got a call. He turned back and handed me the phone and walked a few feet away as if he was giving me and the person on the phone privacy. "H-hello?" I answered with a shakey voice. "Meine wünderschone, liebe. (My beautiful love) Did you really think you could leave me? And take my child with you?" My breathing stopped as I listened to the man I foolishly never thought I'd hear from again. "Noah.. what the fuck do you want?! Just leave me and MY daughter alone! You never fucking wanted us in the first place" He let out a dark cold chuckle and sighed "Oh, Schätzchen.(Baby) I'd watch that filthy little mouth of yours if I were you. Even if I didn't want your stupid ass, you're still mine. Forever." Another tear made its way down my cheek as I held the phone tighter and looked down at Brielle who I envied for her innocence and no knowledge of what's about to happen.

       "Now, I'm more than sure Günter has already told you everything you need to know. But what he didn't tell you is that if you do not comply I will come for you myself and hurt all of your little friends and drag you back to Germany by your gorgeous head of hair. Do we understand each other meine kleine hexe?" (My little minx) I sniffled and answered him through gritted teeth "crystal clear arschloch."(asshole)

  I was scared for not only my life but also Brielle's so I complied. He let out a small growl at the name I called him but covered it up with fake enthusiasm. "Fantastic! I will see you very soon my love. Kiss Brielle for me." He hung up abruptly and I angrily threw the phone at the back of Günters head. He picked up the phone and glared at me. "Tell your bitch ass boss that I'll be ready by noon today." I walked up to him and glared him dead in the eyes. " I am going to make your life a living hell these next few days" I turned and walked away from him hearing him chuckle and curse at me in German. "Ich weiß nicht, was der Chef in deiner verrückten Arschschlampe sieht." I headed back home to pack. My life's about to do a full 360 twist and I'm not going down without a fight. (I don't know what the boss sees in your crazy ass bitch.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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