Matthew Espinosa

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School typically sucks. But when you have amazing friends that you know you get to see its not that bad.

Today was the first day back from Christmas vacation and I honestly couldn't wait to go back to school. Mostly not because of the education but becasue I didnt see any of my friends the ENTIRE vacation, which absolutely sucked.

I woke up to the annoying beeping sound of my alarm clock. I took a shower, blow dried my hair, straightened my hair, then put on my outfit. Jeans with my favorite flannel and my low heeled booties that my mom gave me as a Christmas present. I went down and barely could sit through my breakfast before I decided to go to school.

Once I got to school I saw one of my greatest friends Aubrey and ran as fast as I could to go give her a hug! "Its been so long" Aubrey said. "I know! I missed you so much! Hey do you know where Matt is? I wasn't able to get a hold of him the entire break." I replied. Just then I see my absolute best friend Matt Espinosa out of the corner of my eye. I looked and he ran up to me and gave me one of the best hugs I have ever gotten. "I missed you so freaking much Y/N!" Matt said. "I missed you too Matt!" I replied.

(Matt and I have known eachother since kindergarten. And we have been best friends ever since. And "hint hint" we are going into our senior year of high school next year, so it's kind of a big deal)

"Hey, do you wanna get together after school?" Matt asked me. "I would love too! " I answered. "Okay meet right here after school and we will go do something." Matt said. "Sounds great. See you later." I responded. Matt gave me a kiss on the cheek and we both went to our first period classes which were unfortunately on the opposite sides of the campus.

The day seemed to go by extremely slow. I honestly dont know why. Usually my day goes by fast because I dont have anything to look forward too besides homework on a Monday after school. But now I get to hang out with Matt and that is the ice cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, and cherry on top of a great day. I know he's my best friend but I think it's alright to have mini innocent feelings for a guy. WAIT..... did i literally just say that? I can't have feelings for Matt, if he found out and maybe he didn't feel the same way it would absolutely ruin everything our friendship has worked up to be. But if he did like me, my life would be 1000x better than it already is and I think I was ready to accept him as more than just a friend. But the question is how would I find out if he liked me?

Class finally ended and I rushed to the spot where Matt and I were supposed to meet. Matt was 10 minutes late. I was starting to question if he was even going to show up or if he forgot about the fact that we were going to hang out.

Two minutes later he showed up apologizing that he took so long. All was forgiven when he pulled a small bouquet of flowers (that I know he picked from the schools greenhouse, but it was the thought that counted). "I'm sorry I was late, Mr. Gresham saw me picking the flowers and had to give me a whole lecture about how they are school property." Matt explained. "It's alright, so do you want to get going?" I asked. "Yeah let's go." He replied.

I knew I had to confront Matt with my feelings and see if maybe he felt the same. I was nervous to tell him but I knew it was best to lay everything on the table and hopefully he would feel the same.

We arrived at a frozen yogurt shop and it brought back so many good memories from when we were kids. That I knew this was the perfect time and place to tell him. We both sat down at the table and once we were finished talking about how are vacations were there was this moment of simple silence. So I started to bring up the subject about the feelings I was starting to feel for Matt.

"Matt, I have to talk to you about something." I said shyly. "What's up?" He answered. "So I have this feeling in my stomach that I might like you more than" he stopped me right as I was about to finish my sentence and he kissed me. I couldn't even name all of the emotions that were running through my head but I honest to god didn't care.

"Y/N I have liked you for a really long time but was scared to tell you because I didn't want to ruin anything we have." Matt said. "Matt I feel the same way!" I replied. "So does that mean we are like... Boyfriend and girlfriend?" "I guess so he said" he said.

The next day I was even more excited to get to school to see Matt. I woke up and got ready then Matt texted me.

Matt💕: I'm outside let's go get breakfast!

Me: okay! I'll b out in 1 sec

I rushed downstairs, grabbed my backpack, and ran outside. Once I got into Matt's he gave me a kiss and it just felt so right. Matt took us both to a wonderful breakfast at IHOP. After breakfast we went to school and once again kissed as we headed our separate classes.

In the middle of my English class my phone vibrated in my front pocket:

Matt💕: my parents are out of town tonight at a business thing wanna come over for a little?

Me: sure! I would love too! My mom will b busy all night at sisters soccer game so tht should work!

Matt💕: k see u later! Luv u

Me: luv u 2

After school Matt drove us over to his house and we did homework. He made us spaghetti for dinner an it actually tasted really good! As it got later Matt and I started to watch "The Conjuring."

(I'm not a big horror movie person, so yes I did have to snuggle with him which I, TO BE 100% TRUTHFUL, didn't mind at all)

Once the credits started I looked at Matt and kissed him without hesitation. We made out for a fee minutes before moving upstairs into his bedroom.

As we got into his room he pinned me against a wall by his bed and removed my shirt carefully. Once my legs detached from his waist I had time to remove his jeans and cute heart boxers. He removed my jeans and tossed them across the room and I removed his white v neck t shirt which was the last piece of clothing remaining on either of us by that point. He lifted me up again putting his dick in. At first it hurt then it all just felt good. I started to miss his neck and eventually his thrusts got sloppier. My hair was starting to get sweaty and I could feel his neck starting to sweat as well but it only made things even more enjoyable. I starting kissing his neck while he continued to thrust into me. I didn't want it to stop! I had officially lost my v card to the best guy possible.

After about 20 minutes of pure steaminess we took a cool shower together with tons of bubbles and giggles. I texted my mom telling her I was spending the night at a friends (not exactly mentioning the boy part). Matt and I snuggled all night and everything just felt perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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