A Cry For Help!

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Still waters seem not to be drying up no more
These glitters seems not to be shining no more
What misfortune has befallen the land?
The waters turn to blood, the trees no longer bear fruits, the crops wither and die off, the GPRS no longer gives direction home no wonder I lost my way.
I'm a prisoner of my own thoughts, a hostage of my own imaginations.
The fact a lioness is wounded doesn't make it harmless.
Cover me o lord! Catch me 'cause I'm falling I'm on the edge of this knife.
You hear the cry of the broken. You pick them up, dust them and fix them up.
You answer the cry of those who storm destroyed their homes.
Give me a new home lord. Take my heart for what use is it anyway? Let it be a burning fire of your love.
Fill me, consume me, light me up and let me burn unquenchablely. Be always with me, be the shadow to my light. You were my light during my darkest nights.
Give me the direction to trade upon, be my map lord. Protect me from my thoughts, cleanse me 'cause my soul is dark and growing darker by the day.
Please hold me tight, please don't let me go......

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