- Chapter 1 -

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"Guess what darling!", my mom squealed in excitement.

I grunted.

It was Monday. Why on earth would anyone be happy on such a cursed day?

"Alan's coming back in 3 days!"

Here she was clapping her hands and dancing all around the kitchen like a retarded seal while I was desperately trying not to let my head fall into my cereal bowl.

If you're wondering who Alan is, he's a boy that I used to hang out with for most of my childhood. I have no idea how I befriended him.

I think he was the new student, and because he was chubbier than all the rest of the kids, he got bullied at lunchtime. Now, me being the friendly and helpful random citizen I am, I got rid of the bully and he started following me everywhere I went, like a lost puppy.

Turns out he was our new neighbour and ever since then, he somehow became my best friend. But, then things started going downhill for him. He was overweight by 15 kg so he had to move to America, where he had to have a weight loss surgery or something like that.

"Uggggh, mom you're too loud", I rasp.

"Well aren't you excited?"

Naturally, I was. I couldn't wait to see my best friend.

"No", I mumble.

Here's a tip:

Never ever disagree with my mom.

Why you ask?

Just don't. It always ends up badly.

"Hurry up Nora, love. School starts in 20 minutes. Chop-chop!"

I chop-chopped.

And luckily I was able to get ready in 10 minutes.

I quickly pulled on my hideous uniform, somehow tamed back my wild brunette curls and grabbed my backpack.

I always wondered how some girls got their hair styled and makeup done so quickly...


I angrily grumbled under my breath.

God had not been on my side today.

We had triple Maths Class with our monotonous teacher, Mr. Casey, some idiot broke my earphones and some kid spilled their orange juice over my brand new Converse.

I opened the front door and slipped out of my now stained and sticky Converse.

"Mom! I'm Home!" I yelled.

"In the kitchen!"

As soon as I quickly walk into the kitchen, I stop.

There sitting at the kitchen table was one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen listening to music on his phone.

He looks up at me.

Now, I'm not into guys like the love sick girls are in my school but he was an exception.

I was immediately pulled into a trance by those all too familiar ocean blue eyes bordered by the longest and darkest eyelashes I had ever seen.

"Like what you see?"

I was pulled out of my trance by a deep, sultry voice with a distinguishable American accent.

He had an amused smirk on his face and there was a playful glint in his eyes.

My eyes widened when I realised who he was.

After what seemed like an eternity, I finally spoke up.

"A-Alan... Uhm, hey... I didn't know you'd be home today..."

Don't look at him, don't look at him.

He still had the same piercing blue eyes and black hair, except now he had styled it in some sort of a Mohawk but it was really attractive.

He had lost weight. Lots of weight.

He was wearing a tight white wifebeater that showed off his arm muscles and you could see the outline of his pecs.

It was really hard not to stare at him.

He put his arms on the kitchen table and he formed a bridge with his hands, supporting his chin on it.

He leaned forwards, almost in a predatorial way.

"What's the matter? What happened to the tough Nora I used to know?"

He smirked once again, in that really arrogant way that boys in typical American High School movies did.

He must have watched too many of them in America.

"N-Nothing happened to her." I stuttered.

I mentally slapped myself.

God! I sound like one of those lovesick high school girls in drama soaps!

I cleared my throat and opened my mouth, only to quickly close it.

He stared at me in amusement.

The balcony door opened and my mum stepped out, holding her mobile phone and grinning from ear to ear.

She always was fond of Alan...

"Right Nora!" She said, clapping her hands together.

"Alan will be staying here for a year! Delia only let him stay until the summer holidays but I just spoke to her now and persuaded her to let him stay for a year! Isn't that great?"

Oh, god... I have to stand a year without jumping Mr. Hottie?

And if that wasn't bad enough:

"Oh and by the way Nora, you'll be sharing your room with Alan and make use of that bunk bed of yours okay?"

Great. Just great.

I shot Alan one of my deathly glares and he just smirked in amusement, like he was playing cat and mouse with me.

"Sorry, not sorry", he mouthed to me.

Oh this boy was going to get it, hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2014 ⏰

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