I Won't Say I'm In Love

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Bakugo's POV

Shit. I think I have a problem, and it's all shitty hair's fault. Let me clarify something first. I am not gay. I don't fall in love with boys. In fact, I don't fall in love with anyone AT ALL. I am super straight. Like, I'm straighter than Kirishima's beautiful, long red hair. UMM, I DIDN'T JUST CALL HIS HAIR BEAUTIFUL. CAUSE IT'S NOT.

But if it wasn't, I wouldn't be here doing his hair right now and making it even more beautiful. I swear I'm not gay.

"Hey, can I show you a secret?" Shitty hair asked. "How the fuck do you show someone a secret?" Kirishima took my hand. "Just come here." He got up and brought me to the bathroom. He started running the water until it got hot enough. Then, he put his head in the sink and started washing his hair.

"What are you-" I stopped when I saw the red from his hair fade out into black. Soon his hair was completely black. Then he turned the water off and looked dead at me with his long black hair dripping wet. He looked so sexy- NO.

I was shocked. Fucking shocked. He has black hair?! "I can see from your shocked expression that you don't like me anymore." He said the last part lowly with his head down. "No, no. It's not that. I just thought that you were a natural red head!" I exclaimed.

His face instantly lit up. "Well now you know my secret. Please don't tell anyone." He pleaded with a glisten in his eyes. I blushed as he got somewhat close to me. Why the fuck am I blushing?! I am not gay nor in love with this adorable weirdo. HE'S NOT ADORABLE. "Yeah, sure. I'll keep your stupid secret." I said trying to avert my eyes.

The idiot smiled and gave me a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks, Bakubro!" He walked past me to get back to his seat. Why do I feel so soft around this fool?

In Mina's room

Why am I in Pinky's room you ask? She's the only choice I have to figure this whole thing out. "So you want love advice?" She asked leaning back on her chair. "No, I just have some questions about my feelings and you're my only hope." I said coldly. "So.... you need love advice." I balled up my fists. If she wasn't a girl I would've punched her in her stomach by now.

"Whatever. I want to know why I feel so disgusting around Hair-For-Brains." I'm not sure what trigger word I used, but just then Mina jumped up and squealed to herself. Not gonna lie, I was a little scared for a moment. She sat back down and tried to compose herself.

She cleared her throat. "Wow, Bakugo, I never took you for the gay type but THIS IS GREAT ANYWAY!!" WAIT WHAT THE SHIT?! "I AM NOT GAY!" "YES YOU ARE!" "I AM-" I paused for a second to calm myself down. I looked at Mina with pure hatred as I felt the anger boil up inside of me. She had this stupid grin on her face. "You're in love with Kirishima." She stated slowly.

I sighed. "If there's a prize for rotten judgement I guess I've already won that." Mina nodded. "No man is worth the aggravation." Mina got a notepad and a pencil and crossed her legs. "That's ancient history." She said. "Been there, done that." I sighed again out of regret coming to her for advice.

"Who do you think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to you!" She said excitedly. I groaned and whispered "no" over and over again. "You try to keep it hidden, honey, we can see right through you." Mina said while writing something on the notepad. "WHO'S WE?!" I yelled. "The whole class." She said with a hint of happiness in her voice.

"Boy, you can't conceal it. I know how you're feeling and who you're thinking of." Mina said and smiled wickedly. I've fucking had it. "No chance. No way. I won't say it." I said getting up quickly to walk away to the little hallway in the room with my back towards her. "You swoon, you sigh, why deny it?" I turned around with flushed cheeks. "IT'S TOO CLICHE I WON'T SAY I'M IN LOVE!" I yelled at her again.

Mina started to write on her pad again. What the hell is she doing? Whatever, I just have to prove my case. "I thought my heart has learned its lesson." Mina perked up as I spoke again. "It feels so good when you start out." I smiled to myself remembering 'those' days.

"My head is screaming, 'get a grip!'" Mina hummed in response, still writing. "Unless you're dying to cry your heart out." I plopped on her bed and put my arm on my face. "You can't deny it. Who you are is how you're feeling." Mina said softly like she was actually calm and listening now. "You know we're not buying. We all saw you hit the ceiling whenever he would come into class."

I shot up and yelled at her again. "I DON'T HIT THE CEILING!" She rolled her eyes and continued annoying me. "Face it like a grown-up!" She yelled back. "When are you gonna own up that you got it bad!" I was taken aback by her shouting in my face. I pushed her away. "No chance, no way! I won't say it!" I said and rolled over on my side. "Give up, give in!" I ignored her pestering.

Seconds later a picture of Kirishima showed up in my face from her phone. "Check the grin, you're in love!" I was smiling?! I didn't even notice. "This scene won't play. I won't say I'm in love." I threw her phone at her, which I assume she caught.

Mina laid down next to me. "You're doing flips! Read my lips: You're in love!" I scoffed and got up to pace around the room with my arms crossed. "You're WAY off base. I won't say it!" I'm getting tired of her shit now. "GET OFF MY CASE! I TOLD YOU I WON'T SAY IT!"

Mina stopped in front of me and showed me what was on the notepad she was writing on.


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SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HER. My jaw dropped and I stared at the picture for a moment before looking at her with tired eyes. "Don't be proud, it's okay, you're in love." She smiled at me. Oh, God, what the hell. I sighed in defeat.

"At least out loud, I won't say I'm in love." I smirked and took the pad from her hand and stared at it. I guess I do love that idiot. Mina smiled in victory and brushed her hands off. "My work here is done!" She said and walked behind me to lean on the chair.

"Next time, try not to deny your feelings for someone. It's not good for your heart." I nodded and got up to leave. "What do you say?" Mina said with her hands on her hips like she was my mom. I rolled my eyes and put on my mad face. "Thanks, alien shit." She smiled and waved me goodbye. "Any time, Bakugo! You can keep the picture by the way, and don't forget to confess to Kirishima!" "LIKE HELL I'M CONFESSING!" I said one last time before closing the door.

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