Part 1

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It was pathetic. The snivelling, bloody mass of what used to be one of the most feared bosses in the Russian Mafia sat in front of her. Vladimir " the Blacksmith" Kuznetsov was known for instilling fear in even the toughest thugs. He'd gained his name for the brutal means of torture he used to garner fear and loyalty among his ranks. She'd hoped he would last a little longer. The man in front of her begged for his life and all the respect she had held for him moments ago left her mind.

"Отче наш, Иже еси на небесех!Да святится имя Твое,да приидет Царствие Твое,да будет воля Твоя,яко на небеси и на земли.Хлеб наш насущный даждь нам днесь;и остави нам долги наша,якоже и мы оставляем должником нашим;и не введи нас во искушение,но избави нас от лукавого." The Russian began to pray. This was no surprise to her. The prayer to a higher power repeated in her mind, the Russian echoing and morphing into the prayers of all the others that had come before him. English, Spanish, Russian, French, Catholic, Buddhist, Atheist. It didn't matter what the person who sat in front of her believed in, whether they believed a god existed or not. No matter what they had done, by the time she was done with them they had to believe that there was a god somewhere who would show them mercy.

"There's no point in praying, Comrade. He's not listening to you. Trust me." she paused as she stepped over the bloody knife that lay at her feet. "The only god who can help you now is Death."

She moved closer to what remained of the once fearsome mafiosa and crouched in front of him.

"Now, you're going to tell me exactly what's happening tomorrow night and you're not going to lie to me because i'll know and that won't end well for you." she said matter of factly.

Saoirse Kane, the fiercest organized crime boss in Los Angeles was feared for a reason. She was ruthless, unforgiving and did not believe in second chances.

The Kane Organization dealt in every illegal business they could but there were a few she never allowed her enforcers and dealers to even consider.

"Human trafficking." Kuznetsov sobbed in a broken voice. "They're bringing in a shipment of girls from Argentina. 2 containers, 40 girls each." He continued.

"How old?"

"A range from 10 to 17, we've had a high demand for young girls lately."

"For what? Who's the buyer?" She growled, kicking him in the chest. A groan wheezed out as he curled into himself.

" I don't know!! I just make sure the shipments get into the city safely and my contact collects them! Please! I'm telling the truth!" He begged.

He was. She knew that and it made her even more angry. Shipments of girls from all over the world had been getting into her city and every person she questioned told her the same thing. They brought in the shipments and then a mysterious collector came and got them.

" All right. I believe you." She said, " but you know that I can't let you go. You'll just send your enforcers after me, and I can't have that."

"No.  Please. I won't. No one will know what happened here. Please."

" I told you not to lie to me, Comrade." She states quietly as she turned from the large man in front of her. Whistling, a deep bark echoed throughout the room and the sound of nails clicking across the concrete floor were heard as two large Rottweilers came out of the darkness behind her.

"Bruno, Conan. Meet the Blacksmith. Vladimir meet Bruno and Conan. They're my most trusted companions. Dogs are the most loyal animals. More loyal than humans, they do what I ask when I ask them and they do it without asking questions." Saoirse said matter of factly turning to smile over her shoulder as the man began to sob once more.

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