Chapter 1

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“What do you mean it’s confusing? There is not one part in that movie that is confusing!”

“I mean exactly what I said. The whole movie is confusing.”

“It’s a movie about dancing over the summer and falling in love! It’s a very basic concept.”

“Well I was confused and your yelling at me is doing nothing to help with my confusion.” I rolled my eyes thinking how ridiculous this conversation was ending. I lay on my bedroom floor looking at my ceiling wondering who gets confused by the movie Dirty Dancing. And my answer was Wendy. She was my best friend; we had been best friends since freshman year. To some people that may not seem like a long time since were only juniors but to us it seems like it’s been way longer than two years.

        I glanced at her and noticed she was wearing the friendship bracelet I made her a year ago, I had completely forgotten about it. She was lying on my bed looking out the window with a contemplative look on her face. I was so lucky to have a best friend like her. We had so many good times together. Since she’s super loud and isn’t really afraid of getting in trouble and I’m super quiet and afraid to get in trouble we balance each other out. She gets me out of my comfort zone and I keep her out of trouble.

“Hello! Are you even listening to me?” I got pulled out of my thoughts by Wendy yelling at me.

“Oh, sorry I spaced out what did you say?”

She glared at me, “See you never listen to me! Maybe I should find a new best friend…one that will listen when I tell them important things.”

I rolled my eyes, I’ve heard that threat more times than I could count and she’s heard the very same one. “Oh whatever you’re so dramatic! How many times have you spaced out on me?”

“Touché. Anyway I was asking if you were going to go to my pow-wow this weekend.” Wendy is Native American and her and her family is pretty popular in the Native American community so she is always doing performances and shows.

“Sure what time?”I love going to her shows because she is such a good dancer and I wish I could do something like that.

“It starts at 9 but since you don’t get up until at least 10 you can come around 11. I perform at 11:30.”

I laughed, “you know me so well. Okay I’ll be there can I invite Damon and Nathan?”

“Why do you want to invite them?”

“Because I’m always the only person there who isn’t native and I feel like a trespasser and that is just not a feeling I like to have.” Also because Damon and Nathan are our other really good friends I’ve been friends with Damon longer than I have Wendy but I’m closer to Wendy. Damon used to like me a lot but I just couldn’t risk our friendship and when I told him that he accepted it but things have never really been the same between us. Everyone tells me he’s in love with me and he’s told me that a couple times to but honestly I think we are way too young for love and we have no idea what it really is. In my opinion, he’s just infatuated with me.

“Fine they can come but make sure they don’t embarrass me. Especially Nathan.”

“He would never embarrass you. He’s practically in love with you I don’t know why you don’t get at that you guys would be so cute together.” Nathan and Wendy weren’t friends until I introduced them and immediately Nathan couldn’t stop taking about her and he still feels the same way but she just doesn’t see him like that.

“You know why. It’s the same reason you don’t go out with Damon, it would be too weird if things didn’t work out and our friendship would be over. I don’t want to lose him as a friend. And I mostly see him as a brother anyway.”

“Fine I see your point. Were just gonna have to find you some hot native guy to go out with. What about tail feathers?” We both burst out laughing at that. Tail feathers is a guy that used to go to the same competitions as Wendy a couple years ago. She thought he was cute so we needed a way to talk about him without him knowing so I came up with the code name tail feathers since he had on his dancing outfit and it had feathers on his butt.

“Oh lord I haven’t thought about him in so long! Who knows maybe he will be there and maybe he got even cuter!”

I started laughing, “If he did then I am definitely setting you guys up.”

“No way the last time you tried to set me up I ended up in a fish pond fully clothed and cold while about 100 people watched. I didn’t even get the guy.” She pouted at the last part.

“That was not my fault you got nervous and tripped over the air! Who does that?” I said defensively.

“Hey he was really cute I was so distracted and did you see his teeth? They are so straight you don’t see teeth like that every day.”

“You’re so weird. Who noticed someone’s teeth and gets so distracted by them that they fall into a fish pond?”

“Judge me all you want but it was perfectly reasonable response to such perfect teeth.” She crossed her arms with a huff and resembled a five year old as she pouted.

“Whatever, we are way off topic. We should start getting ready for Amanda’s party tonight.” Amanda was our friend who threw the best parties. If you missed one of her parties you missed out on what could be the best night of your life.

“Yea I guess your right even though I don’t know why you even want to go. We already know Tommy is going to be there.” Tommy is this guy who has had a crush on me for awhile now and doesn’t try in the slightest to hide it. He’s always asking me out even though I always say no he never stops trying. I will admit he is pretty cute and he’s super sweet and would’ve said yes sooner but I just wasn’t in a good place to have a boyfriend at the time, but now I think I’m in a good enough place to give it a shot.

“I know but I think tonight might finally give him a chance, he’s been trying for a year that’s some serious dedication. Plus he is kinda cute.”

“You could do so much better than him but I guess he deserves a shot. You just better hope Damon doesn’t see because he will get so jealous.”

“I know but I can’t live my life according to his jealousy. I’ve told him how I feel and if he can’t accept it that’s his fault.”

This is my first story and I really want to make it good so if you read it can you please leave a comment or message me and tel me if its good or bad and what I can do to fix it? Thank you so much! Also song on the side is Beautiful Disaster by Jon McLaughlin and it kinda is a good representation about how Hunter feels about herself.

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