Iron Man: Webslinging Adventures

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Note: I do not own either Iron Man: Armored Adventures or the Spectacular Spider-man. All rights go to their respective owners.

Iron Man: Armored Adventures

“Come on, boys, this would a great experience for you two. I think a student from Manhattan would love to come see this part of New York” Mrs. Rhodes had just heard the news about the new program that the Tomorrow Academy was doing with another school called Midtown Magnet High School.

“But Mom, there’s a reason that nobody is signing up. It’s only eligible to the kids with the highest GPA” Rhodey protested. “

Yeah and from what I’ve learned, there’s only one kid eligible to even participate” Tony added.

“Tony, I’m not even going to ask how you got that information. And James, I’m sure that’s not the reason behind it. Now, I want both of you to go to school and sign up for this program” Mrs. Rhodes told them before grabbing her keys and walking out the door for work.

Both of the boys groaned before getting on their way to the bus stop.

“Where does your mom even plan on keeping this new guy? I mean, it’s a two week long exchange, but seriously, I thought I was in the only guest room you guys had” Tony said kicking a rock as he walked along the driveway.

“You are. And unfortunately that means one of us is moving. And since I live here, that means you” Rhodey said sternly.

“Best two out of three?” Tony asked about a second later.

Three matches of Rock, Paper, Scissors later, Rhodey looked even more upset about the exchange program, obviously defeated by Tony.

Later at the academy Pepper Potts had met up with the two boys outside the school, looking like she had been there awhile.

“Ooh, tough. I can’t believe your mom made you do the program. Not that it’s a bad thing, but I know you guys wouldn’t want to do it. I, on the other hand would love to do the program. But my dad would never let me, especially because it’s a boy.”

Rhodey shook his head, “between you two, we’ll know this kid’s life story before we even meet the guy.”

Spectacular Spiderman

“I don’t know, Aunt May. It’s for two weeks, and it’s pretty far away. With your health the way it is, I don’t want anything to happen while I’m gone” Peter said while he ate his breakfast.

He had just been offered the chance to study at the Tomorrow Academy as an experimental partnership of the two schools.

“Nonsense, Peter, you shouldn’t pass up an opportunity like this. I’ve heard some great things about this school, you could learn a lot over there” May encouraged the boy, “besides, Mary-Jane said she would be happy to come over to make sure that I’m okay while you’re gone, bless her heart. “

This made Peter think. Well, if Mary-Jane was going to come, Aunt May would be fine. But he still didn’t want to leave Aunt May all by herself. “Alright. I’ll go. But I’ll be calling to see how you’re doing once in a while.  Okay?” Peter gave in.

The Tomorrow Academy was a highly recommended school. Plus, it was only for two weeks, right?

“Oh Peter, you worry too much about me” the woman replied with a slight chuckle.

After finishing breakfast, Peter walked out of the house feeling torn still. There was still a tinge of guilt left over from agreeing to leave. If something were to happen without him there, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself. Even though Aunt May’s heart attack had happened months ago, he still worried.

Peter finally made it to the bus stop, on time even. For the past few months there hadn’t been nearly as many super villain attacks. Ever since the whole Green Goblin fiasco it seemed to have stunned the villains or something. Besides a common burglary once in a while, there really wasn’t much for Spidey to do. But with his luck, they probably weren’t on vacation and somehow he foresaw pain in his future. He didn’t need his ‘spider-senses’ to tell him that.

When the bus finally pulled up, Peter boarded with a few other students. Already on the bus was Gwen Stacy. She, of course, smiled at Peter when he came to sit with her, but yet she still looked troubled. He knew why too. Gwen was still dwelling over their friend Harry’s state. Ever since his father, Norman Osborne aka The Green Goblin, died he blamed Spiderman for wrongfully killing him. If only he knew the truth. But Peter knew this wasn’t the time to tell him. It would no doubt make things worse--for both Peter Parker and Spiderman.

“Hey Gwen” he greeted.

The blonde girl moved over, allowing Peter to sit, “Hi Peter. Have you decided on whether or not you’re going to be accepting the invitation to the Tomorrow Academy?” she asked.

“I think so. Aunt May says I should. And even though Mary-Jane volunteered to check up on her, I still don’t want to be so far away for that long. But she is right about one thing, it is a great opportunity” he sighed.

“I think your Aunt May is right. You should go. It’s only two weeks after all. It’s not like you’re staying permanently. Besides, I hear that there’s another hero over in Long Island. Everyone’s calling him Iron Man. If anyone could get some shots in of Iron Man, it would be you, since you’ve done such a great job photographing Spiderman for so long” Gwen encouraged him.

‘If only she knew how I got those pics’ Peter thought to himself. “Iron Man, huh? That would be pretty cool. I’m sure Jameson would slander his name all the way from Manhattan if he could” he commented, “Well, if both of you think I should go. I guess I should. Thanks Gwen.”

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