Chapter one: The Rule Of The Monsters

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A long long time ago even before dinosaurs existed, monsters were there. Humans were dying from the attacks from the monsters in their villages.

Hello, my name is Jacob. When I was a kid there were five million people. Now there are ten thousand scattered around a couple of small villages that are a couple of hours away from each other. each village has there own defenses and schools and governments and they work with each other and provide for each other but every few months there is a season that we call monster season where all the monsters go rogue and attack the towns there are some cities farther off then we are currently able to travel and we don't have communication with for all we know they are ghost cities I don't know how we have survived this long but I think we might as well die just like the board game's name all I hope is that someone will be able to stop the monsters before they destroy us. 

So let us get back to the present I have two friends Drew, and Jo, then there's Ben my older brother. I am the best in my village at killing monsters (other than the town council and the house of the slayers) drew is the strategic mastermind who beats everyone at humans die and jo is the best swordfighter he just hasn't been in the right place in monster season or he would have my title and Ben is just buff and tall that is it nothing super special but he is super noticeable. I know I just said to get back to the present but let us actually get to the present. Drew and Jo are at Jacob's house when Jo proposed "Let's go on a hunt, it's boring playing 'Humans Die' I want to do something fun." "fine!" Jacob agreed. So the three of them set off on their hunt for whatever they might find. 

                      <[][][][][][][][][][][][][][]===time skip===[][][][][][][][][][][][][][]>

"Man, we've missed a fox, a hippo,  a moose, and a rabbit," Drew complained. As they looked at the map a monster came out of nowhere and roared while charging at them. Jacob quickly put down the map and the monster jumped up in the air and took off into the sky they looked to see where it was headed as it turned around and hundreds of monsters and dragons were flying from all directions to a small clearing in the woods close to them, Just their luck. 

Drew told Jacob and Jo to go hide and all three of them hid behind a very bushy tree they were looking through some holes in the tree as an old man came and he walked into the middle of the clearing he raised his arms and all of the monsters flew up forming an upsidedown cylinder in the air above him. Then three lightning dragons came and flew into the middle of the cylinder and they breathed their black lightning strait into the air making a tringle and the old man's eyes turned white and he lifted his walking staff into the air and he said let it be done and the staff glowed green, red, and blue and shot electricity into the air and added it to the black lightning and made a single yellow pillar of light going to high into the sky to see how high it went!

2,000,000 sectors away Alum turned his head then hissed "yes". 

Back in the forest, the monsters and dragons ran or flew away and the old man said something Jacob could not understand then a second later the old man vanished. Jacob and jo sat silently and once everything was gone that they could see they got up and drew said well that was cool and a second later a monster grabbed Jacob. 

Jo grabbed his swords and Drew did the same. Jo slid under the monster and he chopt its head off and the monster dropped dead, jo said well one more for me just about, two hundred more, and I will be able to have the golden sword. Then Drew asked Jacob should we tell ben Jacob said probably this could be important Jacob grabbed his golden sword, not jo's not, yet at least. They went to Jacob's house because that is where ben would be. They opened the door and ben said did you guys catch something for dinner because we need it! Jacob was startled his house was full of the people from jo's village! Jacob paused what he was about to say to ben and forced himself to ask ben what happened ben answered the monsters attacked his village and then ben pointed to jo who was already handing people some of the one deer they caught, did jo carry it all the way here? 

Jacob felt bad for Jo his village has the most monster attacks but with the least monsters and is the only village to be attacked by a lightning dragon! Jacob turned back to ben and said we have something to tell you and walked into his room ben and drew followed once they were in drew said to ben while we were hunting something, weird happened ben what is it this time purple deer ben chuckled drew said did you see the pillar of light shooting into the sky? ben said very slowly yes okay there was an old dude and he said something and monsters from everywhere came to him and three lightning dragons! three! and the old dude's eyes turned white and then he said another thing and lifted his staff and the lightning dragons shot lightning into the sky and drew paused to breathe for a couple of seconds Jacob was surprised he could talk so fast. bens expression was blank and drew started talking again the staff glowed red and shot lightning and they all combined into a single pillar that was yellow. he looked at Jacob and said did I miss anything Jacob said I don't think so while scratching his head ben suddenly sounded very alarmed and said did you tell anyone else then Jacob said no, why do you ask 

Ben said we need to go to the merrow. he paused for a second and then said now! I need to tell the people here to go to the great tent, Ben was already stuffing stuff into a bag that looked like a smaller version of a potato sack then ben grabbed a chair in the room and threw it at a small lamp the lamp shattered and left a single silver key ben grabbed the key and walked to the chest that had been on Jacobs desk since he was five and ben unlocked the chest with the key and grabbed a small book and a star-shaped dice along with a small dyed red leather bag and put them in his bag ben looked at drew and said go get jo and pack drew looked like he was just shocked to life drew said okay yes sir and ran into the other room. 

ben said you too only pack what is needed for about four days of travel Jacob had never seen ben this scared or even scared at all he always could make a joke out of it or laugh anything off but right now he looked absolutely terrified Jacob quickly started packing he grabbed only a small variety of stuff two horses to ride two because jo didn't have one, his golden sword, some food, and a sleeping pad, that was all he needed. After ben, drew, and jo were done packing they left he wondered how long it would be before he saw his home again. but what he did know is he was leaving at least for now he was so sure that they would welcome them back, after all, he didn't do anything wrong at least not according to the rules,  so they went on their journey to the merrow.

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