These are some short poems I've written; they're nothing special, just something I like to do to pass the time. They're all from posts I have done on my blog.
Six Days of Silence
my feet are sinking
nine feet into the ground.
my lungs are filling
with waves and rivers.
my fingers are curling
around the edges of the earth.
my skin is scorching
into the violent sun.
My heart is bleeding
and leaking your love.
but where are we now?
where are
liquid roses falling up the path
scurrying on to meet her wrath
and afterward they will retreat
and soon again this fate will repeat.
until someday they learn to defy
the girl who's made their lives pass by.
She passes by
with a twisted face
her lips crimson with blood
her heart wrapped in lace.
He chases after
with a quickened pace
his love evanescent
his heart locked in a case.
she gasps
purges her heart.
it's of no use anymore;
it's fallen apart.
She Dares
she catches stars out of the sky;
the rules of the world she has learned to defy.
The Things We Give Up
The girl's tired eyes glimpse back to regrets as infinite smoke twirls from her short cigarettes.
The boy moves forward but flashes back to memories of the girl's sweet kiss among flurries of faeries.
Our Love was Evanescent
Your mellifluous words still tumble from your tongue,
Your fragrant scent still dances in the air,
Your labyrinthine steps still thud upon the floor,
And the sun still shimmers off your dark tendrils of hair.
But you, my dear,
are not here.
Free Fall
It's time for me to let go.
I've been holding on for a while now,
trying to deny the inevitable decent.
But if I let go,
I would fall,
and there would only be the air, rushing past me,
nothing to grab,
nothing to hold.
Nothing to stop me.
Maybe that's what's best.
Stop trying to tell me who I am,
when you never even bothered to really see me.
We'll Never be the Same Today as we were Yesterday
She's leaving,
drifting away,
her edges blurring,
her words blending,
her heart fading.
It took so long to find her,
and now she's being ripped from my grasp.
"Everything happens for a reason," you said.
Is that just your way of pretending things aren't broken?
I guess I could use the reassurance, too.
If only I believed you.