いち : no turning back now

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Tears keep rushing off, like a waterfall. My vision is a blur. My hands are a shaking mess. Adrenaline makes my heart pump faster, I feel like I'm going to explode, my head will explode. I feel like he'll be here in any second. I throw everything on my reach inside my bag, I even put all my weight on it, to make more clothes fit in.

I'm really doing this.


I must escape. Something I should've done long ago.

This house, isn't a real home, is a prison.

I stop by the small hallway, at the picture of mother still hanging there, with a forced smile. And that horrible day comes to mind.

That day I got home and my mother was gone, everything just got worse. I still have so many questions for her, the most important one, why she didn't take me with her? Where did she go?

That letter she left at the edge of my bed said nothing. Not even a goodbye, not even an apology.

I'll find you.

That was it. Nothing more.

That day, when father arrived home and I told him the news. I still have some scars from those days. I'll always have them with me.

That day, is still fresh on my memory. I was in pain. I still am. I won't ever forget what he did to us. I don't think I'd ever forgive him. And that is why I'm doing this.

Unfortunately, there's one thing I probably won't ever leave behind, the memories, either good or bad ones. The scars on my body are a constant reminder of the bad memories, and they're tattooed over my skin.

I guess it's a cross I must bear.

As afraid as I am now, I can't back down. It's just me now, with nothing else than two bags, ¥185,000 on my pocket, my own luck and just hoping something good is waiting for me in tokyo.

To start again. Alone.


-185,000¥, approximately $165.00


So, I've been struggling with uploading this chapter, but I hope it's good enough for you to anticipate the next one. I really really hope you give this story a chance, I hope I won't let you down. Also, this story will include (sometimes) Japanese and Korean expressions that will be translated :) Look closely to the details ;) Please like, comment and share if you liked it ♡


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