Chapter One - New School

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My mom and dad seriously should've thought about how much it would affect me when I had to suddenly switch school. I mean, it was over the summer, but still. I'm gonna be a junior. Now I'm living in Los Angeles, California. I mean, I don't mind living here, I have always wanted to live in California, it's been a dream, but now I have to make new friends and go to a new school and all. Ugh. But since I'm in LA, maybe I can find friends that I can go to concerts with. And maybe a boyfriend. Though my parents would kill me if I had a boyfriend. Oh, let me introduce myself. I'm Divya Patel. I'm a weird, awkward, 15 year old Indian girl. Not Indian like Native Americans, but Indian like from India. Well, I was born here, in the US, but my parents are from India. Oh, and I'm an ugly fuck. The only thing I like about myself is my music taste and my shiny, black hair. I'm 5'3 and weigh 130. I feel like a fat, ugly thing. And I have been called that too. My self esteem is down underground. Anyways, my mom, dad, my two siblings, and I moved to California because we were having a ton of family problems in Connecticut, where we used to live. My aunts and cousins are fucking devils. But thats a story for another day. Anyways, my parents are strict as fuck. No boyfriend, have to get home right after school ends, can't go out alone, get good grades, don't smoke, don't drink, and no parties. Ok, I get good grades, straight A's actually, and I don't even wanna drink or smoke or party. But I do want to go out sometimes and a boyfriend would be nice. Not like I like someone at the moment, but if I do like someone, and he likes me back, then I would wanna be in a relationship with him. Oh, and NO CONCERTS. That part kills me. I really wanna go to concerts. I have so many bands that I like and wanna see live, but my parents won't allow me to go. Great, I can't even see the bands that saved my life. I was severely depressed a while back (my parents didn't know about it because I never told them) and I self harmed and even tried to commit suicide twice (My parents didn't know about that either). In other words, life sucks for me. "Divya, get ready for your first day of school", my mom yells from downstairs. "I'm already ready!", I yell back. I'm wearing a We Came As Romans band shirt (at least my parents let me get band shirts), black skinny jeans, and black Vans. And I'm wearing my lucky Pierce The Veil bracelet and rosary. I'm not Christian but I like the rosary, it's cute. I walk downstairs and see that my mom has laid out breakfast for me. "Mom, you know I hate eating breakfast", I say. "Too bad, my little Divya is going to a new school today, so she better eat up!", my mom says in a cheerful voice. My parents have been so much happier since we moved here. That's good, I like seeing them happy. "Ok", I say, and quietly start eating. Just as I finish, my mom gives me a piece of cake to eat. "I'm full", I say. "Have a tiny bit, eating sweets before doing something new or going somewhere new is good luck", my mom says. I roll my eyes an take a bite. Indians and their superstitions. I hear the school bus come and I take my backpack and run out the door. "Bye mom!", I say. The bus's door opens and I walk in. I see a few kids sitting. I take an empty seat and put my backpack next to me. I plug in my headphones and start shuffling on my iPod. I finally settle on listening to The Listening by Lights. I really like that song because it relates to me. The bus slowly fills up and soon we arrive to school. I walk out of the bus and walk the steps leading into the school. Westride High School, here I come.


A/N: I decided to start a new story after all of the events that happened in my life today. SO MUCH DRAMA. I wrote it on my phone so maybe there are some grammatical errors. But yeah, my story focuses on a life of an Indian girl (like me) with some romance in it. Or maybe a lot of romance in it. Even though my life has no romance in it >.< cause I hate the guys in my school~

I'm working on the second chapter as well so maybe I can post it up soon. If the drama doesn't start again -.-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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