Chapter One: Crushing

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Warning, this story will have a lot of heavy topics that might not be suited for all people. This story will have mentions of sexual topics, drugs, underage drinking, profound language, self-harm, abuse and a lot of bad jokes. Read at your own risk. 


Chan's POV

There I am, hands interlocked with the cutest human being on the entire planet, Yang Jeongin.

"Channie! Look how cute those dolphins are!" Jeongin says with excitement upon his face. 

You can clearly see his adorable braces that he's had for years. He is purity itself. There is nothing more sweet, adorable and angelic than this boy standing right in front of me this very second. 

"Yeah but you know who's cuter?" I say slightly leaning closer to him while giving him a small smile as a hint. 

"Who?" he asked with his eyebrow raised. 

"I'll give you a hint, they're standing right in front of me." I give off an even bigger smile. 

He ponders on the hint for a few seconds before it hits him. He looks down at the ground to cover his smile which he failed at hiding. 


"Channie? Hello! Earth to Channie Hyung!" I hear as I snap out of my daydream to then see Jeongin waving his hand back and forth, in front of my face. 

"Oh wait...huh yeah I'm here!" I say frantically wondering where I am. Oh yeah I'm in my Marine Biology class. It's the only class that I have with Jeongin in my schedule. It's an elective so grades are mixed. I'm a senior while Jeongin is a freshman. 

"Channie have you been going to sleep at the times I've suggested you? You're zoning out again." he asks with a stern face.

"U-um you see I was going to start doing that next week-"

He then folds his arms together. When Jeongin does this, I know I'm going to get a scolding from him. 

"Channie! I told you sleep is important! Sleep gives you energy and you use that energy to go through your day. How can you expect to do well when you're like this? Honestly!" He lectures out. 

"I'm sorry I can't sleep!" I voice out back

"Then tell me! I would've stayed up with you." He says while looking down at his thumbs and twiddling them. 

"That's cute but we both know you can't stay up past eight." 

"...true my beauty sleep is very important to me." 

We both stare at each other then giggle because it was so unlike him to say something like that.

You're probably wondering why I'm letting an underclassman tell me what to do.

Since well I'm a senior, I'm supposed to be scary and intimidating to the underclassmen right? Well no, because that's just a stereotype. 

Well, technically half a stereotype. I actually do have a natural hate to the underclassmen. Freshmen thinking they own the halls and shit. No. Stop you're making a fool out of yourselves.

Anyways, is it because I like to be dominated? No. The reason is quite simple actually.

I'm in love with the younger.

Of course he's oblivious to the fact that I do.

Is it so wrong to like him though? He has the most captivating eyes I've ever seen someone have. Always turns out cute no matter what he does. Has the most precious smile and laugh in the whole entire world that will even make the grumpiest of people have a smile on their face.

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