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i had absolutely no interest in going to dad's this weekend and staying with mom didn't appeal either. i could honestly care less if i even had parents, ever since they divorced it's been like a giant game of hot potato with my brother and i, like we weren't wanted anywhere. i could tell my dad wasn't thrilled about having me come this weekend, he loved my little brother though. he just thought of me as some messed up teenager with behavioral issues, but what kid isn't messed up when their parents divorce when they're only 8 years old.i laid there on my bed, my headphones on as i listened to music blasted the loudest they could possibly go. i was tired and frustrated with my sucky life. "Camryn! turn off that garbage now! i can hear it from your brother's room!" my mom said as she pulled out my headphone that was actually vibrating from such intense volume. i sighed with a roll in my eye. "have you packed yet?" she asked while picking clothes off my messy bedroom floor."no and i don't plan to." i said as i turned to my phone and sent a text to my friend laurie. my mom stood up with a sigh, her hands gripping her petite waist, while her eyes glared at me. i could feel her intense gaze but i just ignored her and continued texting. "why do you have to be so difficult?" she said in frustration. i ignored her once more. "your father would like to spend time with you so would you please just listen for once and pack your suitcase!" she yelled. i dropped my phone onto the bed before dramatically turning my head in her direction, a sarcasting smile appearing onto my face. "that's just the thing mom, dad doesn't wanna see me!" i began in an overdramatic high pitchy tone. "you know that! you just want us out of your hair...well me for that matter, you and dad both love Austin. it's just me you have problems with, admit it! i'm so sick of you both and i'd rather not stay with either of you!" i ended with another sarcastic smile then turned back to my phone. my mom sighed as she rubbed her forehead, her eyes closed. "i don't understand what your problem is but you're going and that is final! you will clean this room and pack your suitcase now!" she said softly marching out of the room, though i know she wanted to scream at me. "if your parents divorced when you were 8...you'd understand my problem. i whispered under my breath.

After about an hour i came downstairs, dragging my suitcase down mom's freshly painted staircase. i showed no emotion. "Camryn, be careful i just got those done!" she said, reffering to the suitcase thudding down each freshly coated step. "don't drag it, pick it up by the handel!" she said as she disappeared into the next room. i waited for a moment then dragged it down the last few steps, chipping the paint on its edges.i looked down at the stairs that now needed a new paint job and smiled. "okay you got everything? your toothbrush, your swim trunks..." my mom asked my little brother as she crouched in front of him, fixing his shirt and hair. "yes mom, i'm not a baby!" Austin squeaked. mom looked at him, holding his shoulders in front of her. "oh i know" she said leaning in and kissing his cheek, leaving behind a smudge of lipstick on his skin. she stood up and looked over at me. she tried to make her smile towards me look real but i just glared at her, still with no emotion. "do you have all your things camryn?" she asked. "yeah whatever." i said walking past her, pulling my suitcase behind me.i heard her sigh in frustration as i walked towards the front door. i put on my old beat up chuck taylor's then looked back at mom before turning back and walking out the door.i walked to the car, opening the trunk and roughly tossing in my suitcase inside. i slammed it shut then went around the side and opened the door to the passenger seat. i got in, put on my seatbelt and waited, resting my arm on the edge of the window. it began to rain, and i looked over when siing mom and austin racing towards the car laughing as they got soaked. i didnt smile. the doors flew open as austin got in the back and mom in the drivers seat.  she started the engine and pulled out slowly before speeding down the street. the ride was quiet, til mom broke the beautiful silence. "so what are you most excited for this weekend?" mom asked us happily, her eyes remaining on the road. i said nothing. "dad said he was going to take me and camryn on a  fishing trip!" Austin said excitedly. the corner of my mouth turned up as i loooked over in disgust. "no way!" i said. my mom rolled her eyes. " but dad bought us fishing rods and everything!" Austin anwsered, a hint of anger in his voice. "well that's great, but he should get a refund cause im not going fishing!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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