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Kouh Abandon Warehouse

Issei was lying on the floor with a red gauntlet going into his chest and grabbing his heart. He looked up and saw his female twin, Iris, she then clenched down and crushed his heart, he moved his arm to the arm and grabbed it with his right hand. His eyes closed and he thought, 'Heh this is the end huh.' He opened his eyes and they became unfocused showing that he was dead. Iris ripped her arm out of him bringing his destroyed heart with her hand, his heart was completely crushed with no blood left in it. Rias came out from behind Iris and said, "Good job now let's take care of what's left." Rias put her arm out and the Power of Destruction came out and went towards Issei's body. The power enveloped his body and destroyed it completely but the soul was already gone.

Blazblue World

A boy cloned from his 'mother' he had blond hair and green eyes, his eyes opened and he saw two others a older boy that looked like him and a younger girl that looks like a female version of them. The boy looked at himself and he saw a number on him the number six. He lost conscious and everything turned black.

Time Skip 20 Years

"Tsubaki!!!" A red hair girl was pierced by a sword a blond hair man rand to her he was wearing a blue military uniform and he had a sheathed katana. He grabbed the girl crying, he looked the girl in the eyes and said, "No don't die Tsubaki." The girl touched his cheek with her left hand and said, "Don't cry Jin." Tsubaki's arm went limp and Jin froze, he dropped her, grabbed his katana, and turned around. He was facing a girl that had a blue skin tight outfit and swords floating behind her. Jin unsheathed his katana and the room became colder, "Sword identified, Arch Enemy Event Weapon Ice Sword: Yukianesa, commencing termination." She fired swords at him, Jin swung his sword and multiple ice swords formed. "Prepare to die demon of flesh and steel."

The steel and ice swords collided and were destroyed, the girl fired more swords at him, when the swords were about to hit him he brought his left arm infront of him. "Void Blade: Yukikaze," a magic circle formed infront of his arm, when the swords his the circle time froze, "Overdrive: Frost End (Suppressing Blade)." Jin ran forward dodging the frozen blades, when he got to his opponent he slashed he going through her slashing her multiple times. "Active Flow." Time started flowing again and the girl tackled him into the kiln, "Damn you, die." He trusted his sword at her but it shattered. He fell into the boundary thinking he was going to be erased.

Time Skip

"Tsubaki!!" A white armored knight swung his giant sword downwards slashing a giant monster the monster roared and multiple eyes on the armor looked at the center of the beast. The beast went down to the form of a human. The armor knight walked forward towards the figure gripping his sword tighter. Once he got to the figure he lifted his sword in his right hand, "You must amend for your evil ways." He slashed his sword killing the figure, "You did it Hakumen," Hakumen turned around and saw a cat figure. "Yes we did Mitsuyoshi." Hakumen turned towards the figure he killed and thought, 'Goodbye brother.'

Time Skip

"I am Hakumen. The End Has Come!" Hakumen slashed a yellow sword with red lines through two people on with a red jacket and one with a yellow cloak. The armor started to fade and come back eventually locking into reality, 'This 20% projection isn't going to last much longer,' Hakumen looked back and the two people were gone into the area of the Blue. Hakumen let go of the sword he was disappeared, he then put his right arm out and his sword the Slaying Demon: Ōkami. A sheath appeared on his back and he sheathed his nodachi into it's sheath phasing through it. He fell to the and he started to fade, 'I'm no longer needed so I will get ride of this projection.' He disappeared into the air going back to the boundary.

Dimensional Gap

The eyes on a suit of armor in a void started glowing red and a sheathed sword appeared on his back. The eyes looked around and locked onto a giant red dragon. The dragon looked at the armor and narrowed it's eyes at the soul shell. The dragon looked into the armor's soul and was shocked at what he saw the Black Beast, Six Heroes, the family, and then his final moments before Hakumen reincarnated. 'The Gremory group did this.' He looked at the Susanoo Unit and felt it's strength. The strength threatened to destroy the Dream Dragon, the strength was like all the time in the world was being condensed and destroyed. Hakumen focused all of his eyes on the dragon and the Great Red said, "Hello Issei." 

Rage came off of Hakumen and time started to distort around him. His eyes looked at the Great Red in furry and he was covered in a white aura. The aura started to affect the gap by starting to turn it into a white void. "I am willing to give you a chance at revenge." Hakumen'a glare went away and his aura went away. "You can explain but you need to finish before I finish my chant, I am the white void." The Great Red looked at him and said, "I will teleport your body to your original world at 100%." Hakumen looked at the dragon in shock and his spiritual mouth closed and he said, "What?" "I will give you 100% of your power with your real body and not a projection." Hakumen looked at the dragon and said, "I accept if I have 100% I can't lose to those who betrayed me." 

The Great Red nodded and Hakumen was covered in a red aura and he felt something change, he felt cold steel. "What have you done to me?!" The dragon looked at him and said, "I gave you a body so you can blend in to society because otherwise you would be a sore thumb." Hakumen looked at the dragon and said, "Fine I will take the Susanoo Unit off." The Great Red chuckled and said, "If you need to summon it say 'Summon Bushin' ok." Hakumen nodded and he was covered in white and left the gap to the place where his soul was born.

(A/N: Sorry this prologue is short but the story will be better it might include incest a possible futanari because the internet is messed up. Iris will be the same as Issei in the main story just is further progressed than him such as having Diabalos and Penetrate by the time of Loki.)

Female Ragna



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