I'm Not Blind, I Just Can't See

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**********************AUTHOR'S NOTE***********************

Hey readers!  This is a Destiel AU fanfic about a blind Cas and a tattoo artist Dean.  They meet in a freak accident/life saving moment and then it goes from there.  Weird I know but trust me, it's good.  Now here is the disclaimer.  This was not my original idea.  Someone else posted this story line idea on Tumblr.  Their URL is Wheres-the-guinea-pig.  This was all their idea but people kept saying they wanted a fanfic of it so I decided I would give it a try.  Please, please, PLEASE leave comments and such, I really want to know how I did, plus I'm thinking of writing another fanfic (different story line of course) and I just want to know if I'll be able to.  Um, well . . . I hope you enjoy.


Cas was waiting patiently for Dean to come home.  He could tell it was almost time.  He was waiting to feel the floor shudder like it always did when Dean came home and shut the door.  He waited for the tell tale thumping of his boots on the floor.  He wondered if Dean would have a new tattoo today.  Maybe.  He hadn't come home with a new one in forever.

Cas got up and maneuvered himself into the kitchen easily.  He set about pulling out a beer for Dean when he got back from work.  As he passed the cold bottle from hand to hand, Cas thought back to how much his life had changed in the past few years.  

Life before he'd met Dean had been . . . hard, to say the least.  He had no job, couldn't keep an apartment for long, and was a chronic loner.  Part of life when you're blind.  Yep, he, Castiel Novak, was blind.  Had been since he was a teenager.  It was a freaking car crash of all things.  He smacked his head pretty good and voila.  He was blind.  After the initial shock of it though, he adapted quickly.  He barely used a cane and he didn't need a dog.  His brothers had helped him a bit.  He chuckled at the memory of Gabriel trying to teach him braille and then shouting in frustration because he didn't understand it either.  His school career had taken a nosedive but he'd caught up quickly.  Except now he didn't know what he could do, what he could be.  There weren't many jobs out there for blind people.  

Now a days, he worked part time at the nearby school for blind children.  He helped grade papers and such and occasionally subbed if a teacher was absent.  It wasn't much but the pay was pretty good, and Cas was just glad he could do something.  

Back then though, he'd had nothing.  He was living off disability checks and going back and forth between staying in a motel and camping out on his brother's couch.  Then came the night that changed everything.

He'd gone for a walk, leaving his musty motel room behind.  He was just walking, taking random streets.  It was a game he played with himself.  He would walk around and use his other senses to try and guess what was around him.  As far as he could tell, the street he was walking on was only residential.  He paused for a moment, listening, before deciding it was safe enough to cross the road.  He was about halfway across when he heard the car coming.  And it wasn't slowing down.  Cas panicked.  He didn't know which way to go and he froze, like a deer.  He was bracing for the impact when he heard footsteps, shouting, and he was suddenly knocked to the ground, someone landing on top of him.  He heard the car speed past, not even stopping, as he also heard heavy breathing in his ear.  

Whoever it was quickly got off him, and hauled Cas to his feet.  

"Hey man you okay?" a deep voice asked him.  Cas nodded numbly.

"Watch where you're going next time." the same gruff voice came again.  Cas gave a humorless chuckle.

"That's kind of hard for me." he replied.  He could almost feel the other man's confusion.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2014 ⏰

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