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I look down at Neveah sleeping peacefully on my chest. This girl is my everything. The main reason I'm not in prison or dead. She has always been here when I needed her, she's always had my back even when I didn't deserve it. What am I going to do about Asia? She obviously took last night to mean more that what it really was. I can't allow her to make something out of nothing. I ponder the situation until I fall asleep. I wake up to the sound and smell of bacon frying.

"She must be cooking." I say as I get out of bed and walk into our bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. I undress and step into the shower, turning on the hot water. I allow the hot water to soothe me as I wash my body. I step out of the shower and dry off. I brush my teeth and dress myself. I slip on sports bra and a black boxers and then I put on a white v-neck tshirt and black jeans. I pull my dreads back into a ponytail, spray on some cologne and put on the gold chain that Neveah gave me for our anniversary. I turn off the bathroom light and walk into the kitchen. I hug Neveah from behind , kissing her neck.

"Good morning beautiful, it was sweet of you to cook me breakfast." Neveah turns around to face me. She grabs my hands and kisses my cheek. "I didn't make you anything. I'm still upset with you. You can have cereal or something. The omelet , French toast and bacon is for me." She says as she turns back around to flip her omelet onto her plate.

"Really babe? Nothing happened between us. We just went out for a drink after work, We weren't even alone. Shawnie and Derek were with us. Asia is trying to make this more than what it was." She turns around and looks at me.

"Whatever Jay, all I know is that you better let her know what's up . I don't have time for games or to compete with other women " She looks at me and I can see the hurt in her eyes.

"Baby there is no competition, you're my everything. We've been together 7 years , I don't want anybody else." I pull her close to me and kiss her gently.

"I love you too Jay." she says as she looks into my eyes "Jay we need to hurry up and eat so we can go. I have a doctor's appointment or did you forget?" She raises her eyebrows at me as she grabs her plate and goes to sit down at the table.

"No baby I didn't forget." I reach up on top of the fridge for a box of cereal.


"What babe?" I ask , turning around to look at her.

"Your plate is in the microwave, no matter how much you piss me off I'd never make you eat cereal." She giggles and takes a bite of her omelet.

"Thanks love." I put the cereal back and grab my food and come to sit across from her. "Are you nervous?" I ask cutting into my french toast.

"About the doctor's appointment?" She asks


"Only a little bit, it either worked or it didn't. Stressing won't help." Neveah shrugs it off but I know she's really afraid. We've been trying for the past three months to get pregnant and each time has been unsuccessful. We're going today to find out if the last insemination took. She'll be heartbroken if it didn't. We finish our breakfast and I clear off the table so we can go. I grad a jacket for Neveah and hold the door open for her.

"Babe I don't need a jacket, it's eighty five degrees outside." Neveah says as we walk into the garage.

"But it's cold in Dr. Cannon's office and I don't want you to catch a cold." I say as we get into the car. She shakes her head and laughs.

"Thank you baby."

"Anytime." I open the garage door and back out of the driveway and onto the street, making sure to close the garage. I make a left at the end of our street and turn onto Main street. Neveah plays with the radio until she finds a station she likes . Stay With Me by Sam Smith comes on and she immediately starts singing. She grabs my hands, threading her fingers through mine. I kiss the back of her hand as I switch lanes. "I love it when you sing baby." She blushes and squeezes my hand.

"You're so perfect Neveah." I say as we pull into the parking lot of her doctor's office. She leans over and kisses me on the check.

"Thank you baby."

"You're welcome." I get out of the car and come around the other side to open her door for her. When she gets out I take her hand , and close the door locking the car. "Everything will be fine baby." I say as I squeeze her hand."

"I hope so Jay." She sighs as we approach the door to the doctor's office Asia walks out.

"Hey Jay." she says smiling at me. I just nod my head and keep walking.

"Oh it's like that?" She asks with a tone of irritation in her voice.

"Yeah it's like that girl." I say not even bothering to look at her. I pull Neveah close to me

"Don't show off for your bitch Jay , you know want me." She says , flipping her hair.

"Her bitch? Girl don't get slapped." Neveah says turning around to face Asia.

"Bae chill I got this."I pull Neveah close to me and wrap my arm around her waist.

"Asia I don't want you never did, never will. There will never be anything between us. So end whatever little fantasy you got going on in your head. And furthermore watch how you talk to my lady 'cause that disrespectful shit will get you hurt quick fast and in a hurry." I say calmly . I'm not gonna allow her to upset me.

"Ugh, whatever." Asia storms off.

"Damn Jay." Neveah kisses me deeply. "You're so sexy."

"Thanks." I say as I squeeze her ass. "Let's go inside I don't want you to be late." I hold the door open for her and follow her inside. I go sit down while she checks in at the front desk. After she's done she comes to sit beside me. We hold hands as we wait for her to be called back. A few minutes go by and a short lady with blonde hair comes out.

"Ms. Winters, the doctor will see you now." She says holding the door open. We get up and follow her to an available room. She takes Neveah's blood pressure and temperature and draws some blood and weighs her. Everything looks normal.  She hands her a hospital gown

"The doctor should be in soon, I'll step out so you can change. Good luck sweetie." she says as she gets up and leaves shutting the door behind her. I watch Neveah as she undresses. She's absolutely perfect. She has shoulder length jet black hair, honey brown eyes and the most perfect body. Perfectly rounded c-cup breasts , a small stomach not exactly flat but far from chubby, nice thighs and hips and a round butt. Not too big , not to small. And the softest lips, perfectly shaped and punk. The lion head tattoo on her left thigh looks perfect on her milky caramel skin.

"What are you looking at?" She asks as she puts on the hospital gown.

"An angel."

"Oh really?" She comes to sit on my lap

"Yes." I say kissing her

"You're so sweet." she says as she kisses my neck. I kiss her again as I rub her thigh, making my way towards her vagina.

"Babe, no the doctor could walk in any second." She says grabbing my hand.

"Sorry babe." she kisses me again and goes to sit on the bed. There's a knock at the door and then it opens. Dr. Cannon walks in

"How are you today Neveah?" She asks shaking both of our hands

"I'm doing good." she says

"Good news or bad news first?" Dr Cannon asks

"Bad news." Neveah says looking sad. I stand next to her and hold her hand. "My babysitter cancelled on me so I can't go to Vegas tonight." Neveah and I both look at her confused.

"Now onto the good news." She says smiling "You're pregnant. Congratulations ladies."

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