matthew espinosa fan fic

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As I run through the door, to meet my boyfriend whom I have been dating for six months. It's dark in the hallways, but I grab my cell phone for a flashlight. I go to the normal meeting place and look down the hallway there I see a guy who is about 5"11 and has blonde hair. I run up to him and grab him, oh how I missed him so much. I mean I saw him all day, but we don't talk durning the day. Matthew is not really sure about telling his fans he has a girlfriend. He's worried about the hate, and drop of fans. Of course it bothers me, I mean how would you feel ?


There I see her, she's so beautiful. I love her hazel eyes and the way she always has her hair in this messy bun. Oh gosh, she's beautiful. Words can't even describe the way I feel about her.

" hey beautiful" I say and you can tell she blushes.

"Oh hi"

" I missed you"

"Same, um Matt I have a question"

"Which is?"

"When do you plan on me coming out of hiding? I mean I understand you don't want hate and all. But I just mean it gets so hard and like..

Before she could finish I grab her and smack lips on hers.

" how about the end of the week?"


"Okaayyy, it's getting late I guess we should go back"

"Goodnight beautiful, I love you"

And with that I walk away.

I mean I guess I should of said night back, but I mean I'm a little mad. Whatever I guess I'll get over it like I always do.

That night I couldn't sleep, and I woke up the next morning and decided to go down to the local cafe. To get some breakfast. As I was entering the cafe, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was beyond pissed. I ran over there and started screaming..


I then realized that I was in a cafe, and didn't want to embarrass Matthew that much. Even though I just saw him, with another girl.

Right when I started walking over to him he kissed her on the lips, I just had to hold the tears.

At there table was them too, so I pulled up a chair and sat down. Matthews mouth dropped and right before he said anything

I said "oh my gosh! Are you Matthew Espinosa!"

He replied with a "Olivia what are you doing"

I then looked over at the girl and said

"Hi, are you his girlfriend"

"Haha, no I'm just his friend!" She said

"Well y'all look a little more then friends , holding hands, kissing. " I said starting to tear up

"My name is sam, and I guess we are dating"

My mouth dropped open then I said "do you mind if I take a picture of you too?" Before they said anything I did. Then I asked Matthew "could I take a picture with you?"

Matthew looked at me strange and said yes

So as we took the selfie I opened it on twitter. I posted it and read out loud "Matthew with his beautiful girlfriend, and Matthew with his new ex girlfriend"

"EX?" Sam asked

But before I started to cry and ran away, out of the shop. I then heard footsteps behind me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2014 ⏰

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