Wammy's House Fluffiness pt. 1

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Never and Bandit each sat cross legged on the floor of the latter's room, attempting to decipher what the fuck was in front of them. Homework was a mystery to both parties involved, Never especially, considering she had no reason to want to be her brother's successor.

Never be L's successor. That was the promise she'd made. She wanted to viewed as her own person, and the only people she could really do that around were Bandit, the girl who had the messiest hair ever, Mello her cousin, and Near who would honestly pay her no mind, and she doubted Matt really cared. She was grateful, everyone else ogled at her as though she were some sort of goddess. She looked up at the clock on her nightstand, right next to her prized Polaroid. "It's midnight, we need to sleep." Bandit quirked a brow at her. "And by that you mean raid the kitchen?" Never smirked. "You read my mind."


Never woke up the next morning her stomach still filled with leftover pizza. Bandit was hovering over bedside with a lollipop sticking out of her mouth. "C'mon, Roger will throw a hissy fit if we're late." "Late for what?" Bandit gave her a look. "We're leaving to see the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. And I'm racing Mello around the perimeter." She snickered at the thought. The Louvre was the largest museum in the world. They both knew they would collapse if they tried to run the perimeter. But they would probably do it anyway.

She would have to get as many pictures as she could, She realized and snatched up her camera and some extra film. She heard Bandit snort as she flung a duffle at her. "Present." She opened it. There were a bunch of bags of chips ahoy and Oreos, along with a half dozen 6ft rolls of bubble gum. The trench coat clad girl snatched them up. "Sorry, these are mine." Never laughed and followed her out the door. Roger and Wammy were waiting by the car when they got there. Mello came out of the front door with Matt trailing not far behind. Near was final and had a toy robot in his arms. He probably had the finger puppets all in his bag. He could never leave anywhere without them. There was a finger puppet for each of them. Bandit with her too-big trench coat, and Never with her purple hood pulled up. Mello with his smirk and Matt with his goggles. Bandit and Mello locked eyes. "SHOTGUN!" They screamed in unison.

Never and Near turned to look at Wammy and Roger. The anxiety rolled off of them both in waves. Never gave them each a hug, and stole the front seat for her own. "Dammit!" She could hear them both cursing when they realized what she'd done. She smirked inwardly. She looked up at the mirror, and searched for a camera. She found none. Her eyes wandered as she heard the door open and close behind her. Near was in the spot behind her, Bandit next to him. Mello and Matt in the row behind that. This was going to be a train wreck.

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