Chapter 1

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Reid's POV:
I was walking in the BAU and JJ walked to me and gave me the folder to a new case so I walked to the metting room and sat in my chair waiting for everyone then Garcia came in and started talking "Ok so 2 girls has gone missing 2 months Emma loss and Lily Parker they were beaten and killed a girl has gone missing since 2 days they keep the girls for a week we are going to Florida" I looked at Garcia then asked "whats her name" Garcia put a picture up of the girl that is missing "her name is Y/N L/N." I looked at the picture " cant be..." I said and everyone looked at me "excuse me" I stood up and left and went to a private room and through a book at the door and JJ and Emily ran into the room with wide eyes "lets go" I started walking away but Emily stopped me and said "Reid you just through a book whats going on?" I looked at her "I know that girl she was my best friend if we dont find her I'll kill the guy myself" I walked passed them and went to get ready.

Time passes

Ried's POV
I was reading Y/N's report and looked at her picture 'she has grown so beautiful' I sigh and saw everyone looking at me then Hotch spoke "Ried how do you know the victim" I looked down at her photo "we met at the park then saw each other at the same middle school but I moved to High school then to collage so I havent seen or talked to her since now" I looked at everyone "we have to find her I havent told her how I feel about her please..." I looked down and Morgan looked at me "we will kid and she will be ok." I nod slowly

Y/N's POV:
I was walking home from work teaching 5th grades I sighed tired and I felt someone following me but when I got infront of my door I had a cloth on my mouth and I was knocked out.
When I woke up I was on a bed and it looked like I was in a basement I sat up and I felt something ruffed on my arms it was handcuffs "where the hell am i?" I was scared "reid please I need you" I started crying  "I'm scared..."

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