Chapter 22. A Mate's Confession

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***A.N. Surprise Upload! :]

This is dedicated to Nikkibelles for being a huge fan of Matt. Thanks for ur  votes and comments dear. :) 

To my lovely readers, this is a Matt’s POV and the longest chapter I ever did so far. Sorry if there are any errors. I am really hoping I did justice to his character! Feel free to say ur reactions and comments! I promise I won’t bite. *wink*

Chapter 22. A Mate's Confession

Matt’s POV

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I threw a series of punches on the punching bag with such force making the sound echo inside the gym. 

Man, I missed working out.

It’s been a good ole four days since I last stepped here inside the gym and I seriously needed to be back in shape. Not that I’m not.  I know I’m still perfectly fit, judging from the muscles that are bulging from the shirt I’m currently wearing, however not being able to do workouts for days makes me feel like something is missing. I ought to step up my game.

I threw another chain of heavy punches until I felt myself getting exhausted.

“Woah! Looks like someone missed his old punching bag.” A familiar voice sneered.

“Yeah, if only that thing could speak, they might end up being together. He just can’t get enough of it.”

I paused to catch my breath and faced the two morons grinning at me. I gave them a nod and bumped fists with them. My workout would never be complete without these two dickheads bugging me.

“Where have you been?” Rico asked.

“Why? Miss me?” I replied.

“Of course I missed you, you b*tch!” Rico shrieked, faking a preppy cheerleader voice. Max and I snorted in laughter.

“Don’t do that again Ric. Damn, I almost threw up.” Max scoffed. Rico looked hurt, but Max just slapped him on the back and turned towards me. “Really Matt, we haven’t seen you for a while. You got abducted or something?”

“Nah. Just been busy with other stuff.” I shrugged, adjusting the thin bandages wrapped on my knuckles.

Both of them looked at each other, wagging their eyebrows suggestively.

“Does this other stuff include someone blonde?” Rico teased.

Both of them looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer but I just stared back at them blankly.  I knew what these two tools are asking, but no way in hell am I going to give them the satisfaction.

“What are you talking about?”  

“Aww, c’mon. Don’t you play dumb there. How are things going on between you and Joey?”  He asked, emphasizing on the latter part.  

“There’s nothing going on between us.”

“Nothing? As in none? Nought?”

I merely shrugged.

“That’s bull! You’re living together mate! and She’s. Freaking. Gorgeous!”

“And damn hot!”

I glanced at Max surprisingly. I know that Rico has the hots for Joey but I never expected that Max did too. He raised his hands defensively and said, “Just being honest.”

I shrugged and started throwing punches again.

“Why on bloody hell are you so curious about Joey and me anyway?” I glanced at Rico. “Aren’t you supposed to be hitting on her?”

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