Chapter one

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School days always full surprises buh . Today was quite a stressful day I mean,with the Mr. Samuel my maths teacher taking like 2 lesson periods (90mins) argggh. I mean listening to a teacher going over and over on theorems i actually listened at least from the first to fifth after the mehn blehhh all i heard with my paper chats *I mean you get *
Don't tell me you never did it -- honey completed you child hood 😣
Been in ss1 is not easy .. Lol

---- coming back from school My normal routine
After leaving the school bus " I mean I argued several times with my dad about going with the school bus
Which always ended with a" get of out my room" once heard those words my head click ... hahahaaha

---I bounced on my bed first thing first still on my uniform my phone from the charging point
"Opens what'sapp reads a few " bye to whatsapp
Next thing to the kitchen me checking for the hot amala I was craving for since school I didn't find it... in the Nigerian Accent "Jesus where's it" i started searching I got frustrated
Went back to my room with a terrible anger
I said well back to my phone
"Opens what'sapp "
Immediately I see a message from my mum
Saying "baby girl I couldn't make the amala just make noodles "
My reply OMG mummy ... I was so hungry..

---i moved to the kitchen prepared the indomie ate it duhhhh
I slept off
My dad arrived usual thing I rushed to arrange the house
I welcomed him
Off to my room then took my phone again-- I see Am addicted
Jaming to IN MY FEELINGS by Drake back to back
Headphones on
Gbammm!! My dad entered the room I didn't see him still jaming
I received a terrible slap at the back
Immediately he didn't need to tell me I took my chemistry note n physics rushed to the dinning started reading ... Lol
He came yelling
"Faith your a science student get that no TV for you"
In my mind "dad you have said that loads of times and i still get to watch...
Well bye to that day

----early morning again stressed.. I mean I have been doing the procedure since like forever.. hearing that alarmm I could not express the feeling.
I left for school
I walked to the chemistry lab
It was time for experiments
Mr. Daniel explaining all the steps to knowing if the acidic or a base
Me partner Ella Lord that girl
Well we were the brains of the class but the girl with a forward attitude *gragra* I asked "Ella kindly pass the ammonium liquor
Lord Jesus she poured it on my hand
Burning sensation ... it's an acidic it was a small drop but the pain
Begging me quietly not to call attention
I ran to the tap
Pouring water poor me didn't know if they react
It peeled my skin like what the heck
I learnt that day I will never be her partner in anything
Hectic day.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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