Concert and A Beating

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"Come on Skylar!"

"Guys, I can't, my dad won't let me go." I whispered into the phone. I always end up in trouble when I tell them no and they beg me this way.

"Please Sky?!"

I hung up my phone and laid on my bed. I'm not going to let them get me in trouble this time. Soon enough my dad came busting through my bedroom doors and I immediately sat up.

"I'm going on a date tonight. You're not allowed to leave this house you hear me?" his deep rumble of a voice boomed through my room.

I quickly nodded my head.

"How many times do I have to tell you to speak. You speak when being spoken to!"

"Yes father" I quickly replied.

He glared at me before turning and walking out of my room and closing the door.

I laid back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. Well that's the end of my day then. Turning over onto my side, I curled up and gently rocked myself to sleep.

When I woke up there were two girls standing around me whispering. I groaned outwardly.

"You guys are going to get me killed! What are you doing here!?"

"We're going to the concert. Here I already pulled you some clothes out." Anna answered me as she handed me a pair of dark denim wash jeans and a black v neck shirt.

Anna and her twin sister Lana walked out of my room so I could change. I quickly got dressed and pulled on my gray stone washed Doc Martens before pulling a Pierce The Veil pullover over my head. I quickly stuffed my phone and house keys into my pockets before heading out the door and to the front door where I knew the girls would be waiting for me. Where my dad would no doubt be waiting for me when I get home tonight. I'm going to be in so much trouble.

When we arrived at the concert we were already a bit late. The last of the guest were making their way inside so we rushed over to the gates and handed in our tickets. Making it through the security lines we rushed to the back of the crowd and tried to push our way through to at least the middle.

I got excited as I watched all of the members of black veil brides walk out and then Andy Biersack walked out to the mic stand set center stage.

During the concert I was jumping around and having a great time. I honestly didn't have a thought about what would be waiting for me at home.

Anna and Lana dragged me into the mosh pit with them. After jumping around and swinging my arms like crazy during the rest of "In The End" I noticed that I had lost the girls.

Whenever this happened we always moved to the very back of the crowd and meet up there. That's where I went. I stayed there enjoying the concert not once seeing Anna or Lana.

When the concert ended I waited outside the doors looking at all the faces. Then I remembered our tickets came with backstage passes. I pulled mine out my pocket and went to where backstage pass holders were supposed to meet.

When I was finally let inside I found Anna comforting Lana as she told the band that they were looking for me.

"Anna! Lana!!" I made a run for them, "I was looking for you guys!"

Lana jumped up as she saw me and sprinted into my arms. "We were worried about you! What happened?!"

"I lost you guys in the mosh so I moved to the back but never found you. Then I remember the backstage passes and figured you'd be here."

This time it was Anna that hugged me. When she let go she had tears in her eyes. "We thought somebody kidnapped you, or that your dad... ya know."

I shook my head. "I'm fine guys."

"Well are you ready to hang out? You and your friends here got special backstage passes. We're going to hang out with you guys on the bus right after we do the signing. And you're going to come along with us." Jinxx stated.

"Along with you where?"

Lana and Anna shook their heads before CC answered me. "On the tour!" I watched him get all excited with the twins as the three of them started jumping up and down.

I just shook my head and made a run for the door.

When I made it outside I quickly started walking home.

Lana and Anna were trying to get me killed.

I had made it about a block away before I bumped into someone.

When I looked up I began to tremble in fear. Standing in front of me was my dad, with eyes black as midnight with the fury he held inside.

I began to stumble backwards and then turned around to run but he grabbed me.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the house." I trembled at his calm voice. Nothing is worse than someone who is mad and talking calmly.

I just stared at him until he finally snapped and slapped me hard enough to send me flying into the ground. I laid there as he continued to kick me and scream at me for leaving.

This was my punishment for letting my friends drag me out the house.

I laid there until a heard a deep voice yelling.
"Hey! What are you doing to her?"

I would've looked up to see who it was but my vision was blurred with tears.

"This is my daughter and I can do what the fuck I want with her!"

"This is child abuse."

"Yeah, well I'm going to commit murder if you don't mind your own damn business."

The next sound I heard was a body falling onto the ground. I tried to see who my dad had knocked unconscious until I was picked up by strong yet bony arms.

"Put me down!!" I screamed.

"Hey, hey, relax. It's me. It's Andy. You're safe now."

And with those words, I broke down into Andy's arms as he carried me. I cried until I was asleep as he walked into the bus.

Shout out to BreannaQuinn7 for this amazing story idea!!! \m/(^.^)\m/

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