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picture above is how you look


(y/n) had returned to the old rickety and very soiled house. she sighed and stepped inside slowly not really wanting to be faced by the harsh tall woman, nanny McPhee. she tiptoed around quietly trying her best to hold sight of simon. they had been dating for a few weeks now. she was taken in by cedric brown a year ago, now he had 8 children to worry about but because McPhee was there now and took 'care' of the children it wasn't like he had to care anymore. she soon ran into simon, looking around before hugging him tightly her grasp had seemed to be getting tighter on him every time they hugged.

"hey (y/n)..." simon said his pale cheeks had a faint pink tint to them.

"are you ok what is that hand print on your face?!" she asked hurriedly wasting no time to take a good long look at it. her irish accent was thick and heavy, sometimes it was hard to even understand a word she said.

"its nothing" he said trying to reassure her but of course failed miserably. his slender body was shook by the woman's force of pulling and pushing him continuously back and forth.

"she did it didn't she" (y/n) said almost baring her teeth in anger, frustration and sympathy for the boy.

"why aren't you clever, don't think i didn't notice what was going on between you two. i have eyes everywhere" nanny McPhee suddenly coming from nowhere towered over the two children before grabbing them by their hair pulling them along with her. she went up the stairs her slim fingers dug into their hair as she tugged at their roots. she shoved simon into one room. he landed to the ground with a rather loud thud

"you two will not and shall not make any contact with each other again. got it, now say goodbye to your little girlfriend here" she sneered but before she let simon answer she slammed the door shut and dragged her towards a room further away and shoved her in there.

weeks have passed and as promised neither of them saw each other but simon had always held a mischievous glint in his eyes as he was plotting to get rid of McPhee and getting the love of his life back. no one could ever stand between him and what he loved.. that being (y/n).


thanks for reading this is dedicated to because she has requested this and well she put up with my bullshit

as always see you lovelies next time i update a stoorrryyyyy~~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2018 ⏰

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