Today is the day Dia starts her first day of private school. Her parents thought it would be best to put her into private school as they said that she wasn't disciplined nor respectful to anyone, even though that was a lie. They seem to think that just because Dia hung around bad people meant that she did the same stuff they did. This isn't true. She just loved their rebellious personalities. They also thought something was wrong with Dia due to her very sudden changes of voice and personality. Sadly, if they had listened to Dia after she had gotten out of the hospital, they would know that she had a split personality. It's not fun, but it can be. Dia looked around and saw all these people, some had their hair died, others looked like they belonged to rich families.
Dia had a suspicion that something was going to happen that day, she just wasn't sure what. She walked around and wasn't paying attention which lead me to bump into someone. Dia looked and a blonde girl in her uniform was looking at me "Pay attention to where you're walking!" She said rudely. She stepped back a little "I-i'm sorry." she said and picked up the things Dia had made her drop and gave it to her without looking her in the eyes, she then felt a darkness loom over her "Get lost." She said and Dia went off towards her locker "Well, she was nice." she said to herself and heard her voice inside of her head say. She eventually just ignored it but this dark feeling still loomed over everything no matter where she went "This school has a very weird vibe... It's so dark and gloomy." Dia said to herself as she began to put some stuff into her locker until the bell rang to get to class, even the bell sounded off "I have a bad feeling about this." She said
She grabbed the things she needed and headed off to her first class. Her first class what art, she loved to draw. Most of her drawings was of eyes, scenery, wolves, and people that she deems interesting. When she got there she noticed the girl who was the first one she had bummed into while on her way to the locker, and the only seat open was right next to her. Dia walked up the small stairs and sat down across from this girl who only glared at her as if she was never supposed to sit there.
Dia looked over as the door opened and the teacher stepped into the room "Hello class! My name is Mrs.Valentine." She said introducing herself "It seems like we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mrs.Valentine questioned so Dia stood up from her seat "M-my name is Dia Fae..." She said as she scanned the room "Is there anything interesting about you or your species?" the teacher inquired "I have a split personality disorder and I'm a fae, which is a dark fairy..." Dia answered seeing everyone's eyes on her, she sat down and grabbed her sketch book out to look at it and possibly draw as the teacher was talking and teaching the class about things Dia already knew how to do.
Dia decided to glance up at the girl across from her and began to draw her, her figure, her face, and everything she could possibly put into detail. She worked on it till the end of class, she was only halfway done and thought she could work on it during the next class. The next class was more of a discipline class, teach everyone about how they should behave and how they should look. Dia ignored it all until someone took her sketch book from underneath her. It was the teacher who looked at Dia "You should really be paying attention instead of drawing." He said and took the sketch book to his desk and locked it into the desk and continued on teaching and Dia laid her head on her hand bored and still not paying attention
It was only the first day and Dia was already annoyed with everything, all the sudden they began to see lightning and hear thunder booming outside as a strong storm began to blow through. Everyone seemed confused as there was no storms reported as coming in. They were trying to figure out what was happening, some people thought it was Dia's fault that the storm had rolled in. Those who guessed that was right. The way Dia's powers worked was dependent on her mood. Her mood was angry, upset, and annoyed. Those together normally make a very strong storm that could do some damage. "People just do not understand emotions sometimes." Dia said to herself as her personalities tried to calm her down but the more they talked over each other the more annoyed Dia became.
"Enough out of all of you." Dia said

The Darkness Begins
HorrorThe now start of school year... The sun disappears and the mythical creatures come out to join the world and show what true magic, terror, and darkness is... Will they get the sun back or will they stay in darkness...