the finding

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We, that is to say I and the beast, were walking down the drive attempting to . . . exercise. Shivers. Horrors even.  Horse flies chasing us at times.  Anyway not fun but we walked, talking about things.  Just nothing things and having fun while doing it. As we make the turn around we hear the sound. A small mew.  Ugh mum moving her kittens I think.  The beast hears its pitiful cries and her ears perk up. 

She smacks my arm mum we must find it.  Sigh we walk across the street to were we think we heard the sound.  Looking around we finally see the bitty bitty baby.  It's totally too small. Eyes barely opened and  sickly looking it is. Poor thing won't last too much longer so the beast scopes it up and we head home. 

It is a she we think, at this time.  We move thre cat carrier into the kitchen as I set about getting things ready for dinner,  human and beast.  I luckily have soft cat food. I usually don't as cats are finicky eaters and cranky about trying new things. Except Bob. He will eat anything.

The beastis cradling the kitten in her hands as the others come and sniff.  R2 evil cat queen sniffs, hisses out " diiieeeee" then walks away.  Licorice ever the gentle cat sniffs delicately and sneezes.  Jerk.  Olivia's gone, she isn't interested at this time with a new addition. The dogs simply wish to eat her. 

Sigh why me? The beast is sitting on the floor telling me all about how the kitten is her new best friend.  I ignore her because I really don't need another mouth to feed. Oh well. On with dinner.

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