An Amazing Amazo

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The train was speeding along the mountain tracks, seemingly normal enough but one of the cargo carriages was less normal.

It swung to the side violently and a terrible screeching noise pierced the air as dents formed in the carriage side. I knew well enough that something was up and I was confirmed when a human shape burst through the carriage and flew out across Gotham. I was about to leave when another shape flew out of the train. This one was definitely not human as it flew out after whatever had burst through the carriage first. Well this was getting more interesting by the minute.

I arrived at Gotham Academy after following the path of destruction that could not be missed. I crept about the rooves of the giant campus, a school that had always been to preppy for my liking. I arrived at the roof of the gymnasium where an obvious fight went on below. I watched through the skylights as it got interesting, there were at least three people fighting the large mechanical looking giant, but they were not doing well. They were all obviously boys, around my age and they were just a bunch of sidekicks, I could make out Robin protégée of the legendary Batman and Kid Flash the hot-headed sidekick to the great Flash, both speedsters. The third was not familiar definitely not from the Justice League, but obviously a super, though he resembled Superman quite a lot.

The fight took turns for the worst as the sidekicks got beat down over and over, the robot looked like it possessed quite a few powers. The same of many Justice League members, Black Canary’s, Martian Man Hunter, The Flash and even Superman.

I watched as Kid Flash took a run straight into the robots iron grip. If it had the strength of Superman then he would be crushed to death. Without Hesitation I kicked open the window and fired an arrow at the robots head, it’d obviously heard it coming and became transparent as Kid Flash slipped from his grasp, my arrow flew straight through his head as he did what I’d  heard  to be called density shifting, a power that only Martian Man Hunter possesses. I couldn’t stay and watch anymore, they’d obviously seen my arrow and I didn’t want to stick around long enough for them to find out where it had come from. Taking one last glance at the events below me I leapt from the roof and disappeared to report back to Green Arrow.

“So, how’d it go?” Green Arrow asked as I emerged from the shadows at our rendezvous point. “Well you made it seem way less of a task before.” I replied and he smirked. “Ah, but I didn’t want you getting all worried and I’m hoping it wasn’t too much for you.” He just laughed when I shot him a dirty look. “Actually I have something to tell you,” his voice changed to the way it does when he talks about something serious, “I was talking to Batsy about how much you’d improved and he’d suggested that you join a little team he’s put together, to well improve your skills and help your….socialising problem.” I frowned, his little ‘team’? That must have been those sidekicks back at the school, but they’re just a bunch of……….kids. I thought it over it could be worth a shot but what was the point of it, what was there to gain?

“I’ll give it a try, but if its just some type of babysitting facility so you can keep an eye on me then I’m quitting, The Justice League are a bunch of stiffs anyway” I crossed my arms and hoped I hadn’t made the wrong decision, after all what could go wrong?


The whole story will not be exactly like thee cartoon, i just needed a place to start. I do not own any of the Young Justice characters or scenes they are owned by  DCuniverse and Warner Bros.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2012 ⏰

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