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Jang Yerim POV~

I never meant to become a killer. Nor did I ever think I would become one. I didn't mean to kill my step brother, really. I just wanted to see him in pain. I wanted to see him freak out because I could be strong. That I wasn't going to be this weak child like he thought.

I swear I didn't mean to kill him.

Three Days Ago~

I packed my last bag as I was ready for my friend Sohyun to come and pick me up. Looking around at my small room I was so glad to be moving out. My mom and step dad didn't have a lot of money so me and my step brother always grew up without much. Our parents were either doing drugs, selling drugs, or doing everything else. When we got older my step brother Seokhyun was starting to get into the bad life our parents got into. Even though I was trying to tell him that we could become better people. I mean I was going to school getting good grades. Got a nice job.

But he told me he wasn't for that kind of life. Instead he became worse. Instead of doing the little drugs our parents were doing. He would somehow get them into some other kind of drugs. Drugs so strong they would look like they were dead. My mom would sometimes just lay on the kitchen floor passed out. And then my step dad would yell at me to tell my brother to get some more.

I would become so mad I would just non stop scream at Seokhyun even though it seemed useless. Because all he would do is scream at me for not coming up with enough money to live in the house. So finally I found a small apartment next to my new college and decided I would move out.

I love my mom and somehow really care for my step dad and step brother, but I'm not going to sit there and rot my life away for them. Plus I also told myself after leaving the house I would call the police and tell them what my brother and step dad do. Maybe a little prison time would help them.

"YERIM!" I dropped my bag looking out the window. Oh shit it's Seokhyun! I thought him and my parents where gone for the night. I quickly threw my bag into my closet so he wouldn't see. If he finds out that I'm leaving he'll try with all his might to keep me back.

"I'm in my room!" I shouted making sure nothing was out of place in my room.

"Get down here now!" His tone seemed like it was more angry than it usually was meaning I needed to watch my tone or he might get more angry.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I asked walking into the living room where he was. I noticed that he was wearing a suit making me wonder what in the hell he was doing.

"Put this on and meet me back down here in five minutes or else. Got it!" Seokhyun snapped throwing me a bag. I wanted to ask why but he looked so mad today that I didn't dare question him. Instead I went upstairs to get dressed. But as soon as I saw the dress Seokhyung picked out I knew something was wrong.

The dress he picked out for me to wear was a low cut black tight dress. There is no way I'm wearing this out somewhere. Why and the hell does he want me to dress up like this for?

"Seokhyun. Can I at least know what this is for? Why do I have to dress up?" I asked walking back into the living room.

"Because you are going to work for me for now on. I have two clients that want to meet you-" I cut Seokhyun off as I felt tears roll down my face.

He wants me to sleep with people to earn money? Because if I know the two clients he's talking about they are into pimping girls out. There is no way in hell I'm doing that.

"I'm not-" I felt a harsh slap against my face as more and more tears ran down my now red cheeks.

"You don't have any saying. Father and your mother even agreed on it. It's about time you made your share around here. That little old job at the market isn't going to pay for much. Time to use the one thing you've got that's worth something." Seokhyun shouted.

They agreed on this? I mean I shouldn't feel shock, but I still feel hurt.

"And that's my body? I already told you, mom and your dad that I'm not getting into that kind of life." I screamed feeling the burning sensation in my chest.

"It's the only thing you've got that's good." Seokhyung commented as he grabbed his keys. "Now go and get dressed or else." He snapped.

I didn't want to get dressed. I didn't want to become a slave or anything under him. I was so tired of my parents bowing down to him. I am so tired of him acting like what he's doing is okay. Because it's not. Yes we aren't blood related but he is the only one I could call a brother growing up.

I meet Seokhyun at the age of six. He was nine and at the time he was a good step brother. I even was going around telling people that he was just my brother as well. He was protective of me and cared. Or so I thought. I mean I thought out of our parents he might have changed like I was doing. But I guess not.

"I'm not getting dressed. And I'm not going with you. I bought myself a place to stay and I'm moving out today. Like it or not Seokhyung but I'm leaving you. I'm leaving mom and dad, because I'm not getting into this life. My door will always be open for you Seokhyun because I do care for you but I can't follow the same path as you. I can't go down that dark road." I gave him a small and weak smile.

But I didn't expect him to go this crazy.

"You aren't doing shit! You've always been weak and pitiful. Do you really think you'll make it out there? You don't have to get dress but get your ass in the damn car while I'm still calm." Seokhyun started jerking my arm as I kept screaming out. I tried so hard to break free from his grip but it seemed impossible so instead I kicked him. He let me go and I quickly ran into the kitchen grabbing a knife.

"Stay away from me Seokhyun!" I screamed as the tears streamed down.

"You act like you have the balls to actually hurt me-" Seokhyun cut his own self off as he looked down at his stomach.

But it was I who was in more shock. I didn't mean to actually stab him. I just wanted to cut him so he could feel the pain I was feeling. So he could see that I wasn't so weak.

"I'M SO SORRY!" I screamed as I watched him fall to the ground.

I just...I just killed my brother.


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