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(A/N I'm a high school freshman and i don't know what they (the seniors) are learning so I'm just using facts that I learned as a freshman but oh well lmao)



Last week the Jeons hired a tutor for jungkook because in biology he somehow managed to get a 17% in the class. So they hired their close friends son to tutor jungkook. They meet up after school in Jungkooks house, and usually they go to Jungkooks room for privacy reasons.

The two high schoolers were sitting on jungkooks bed as Taehyung tried to get jungkook to understand what he was learning.

"Oh my gooosssshhh Jeon, it's like you don't listen to anything I tell you. Animal cells don't have cell walls!" Taehyung said to his still confused peer.

"On this paper you put the cell wall on the animal cell and it's not supposed to go there." He explained slowly and looked at jungkook nod his head.

"Ok but why don't animal cells have cell walls.... I feel like if it helps with support and structure then animals could need that too" jungkook asked.

"What you just said made no sense to me. Wait just think of it like this, you can't suck dick if you had a cell wall cuz you wouldn't be able to move" jungkook gasped dramatically.

"Im not even gay, but I'd bend over the kitchen table for you" he said with a wink and Taehyung flicked his forehead.

"If you are so curious about cell walls how about we stay on topic instead of talking about me dominating you"

"If I have a choice I'd only talk about you choking me with your 9 inch dick daddy" jungkook said and put his hand on Taehyung's thigh and squeezed it.

Instead of pushing the hand away Taehyung pulled jungkook closer to his body. He put his hands behind jungkooks neck and pulled his close. So close that jungkook could feel Taehyungs breath on his own lips.

"Do plant cells have cell walls?" He asked.

"No only animal cells do, it's to keep animals from being liquids" after jungkook said that Taehyung pushed the boy back.

"I didn't even say anything about liquids today. You're lucky your parents pay me so much. Why can't you be as passionate about biology as you are about dirty things" he said rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"Maybe you can fuck the facts into me" jungkook winked.

"Yea maybe" he agreed.

"Wait really you'd consider it??" Jungkook screamed.

"Well yea cuz we've been talking about this cell wall shit for a week and you still won't get it. So maybe you do need to do it the way you need to learn." Taehyung said monotonously.

"Well I say do you best daddy fuck me so hard that I get prolapsed... I mean so I can get knowledge and who am I kidding prolapse me with you foot." Jungkook whined.

"I can't believe I'm actually considering this.... come over here and sit on my lap" Taehyung commanded.


I decided to write a one shot cuz I just wanted to write something really short. Then I will start on my new fanfic.

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