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Imagine being deemed one day left to live.

Imagine slowing dying from stage five cancer.

Imagine being under a strict diet.
Restricted from doing as you please because of one hindrance.

You knew you were about to die, you knew the change of diet was basically useless.
You knew you wouldn't make it.

So there you sat, on your porch, with a large mug in your hand, the steam that emitted from the mug being your only warm comfort.

Imagine staring off into the beautiful sunset, your old and shrivelled hands shaking, barely able to hold the mug in place.

You shakily lift it to your old and withered lips, thinking of your deceased husband and your children who had abandoned you long ago. Marrying off strangers and migrating to other countries.

You sipped the bittersweet substance.

This one euphoric moment that you've been deprived of is finally being satisfied and you had no one to share it with.

You sipped and sipped, no longer in tune with the taste of the hot coffee you craved oh so long ago.

There was no love in this world that was able to sooth you, but the taste of the bittersweet coffee brought unknowing tears to your eyes.
Though it felt as if you could no longer taste it.

It reminded you of your carefree youth,
Your ability to do anything you please,
Free to do any and everything.

A small blue bird lands infront of you, staring into the depts of your soul.

It brought you back to the days where you would chase and throw stones at them, killing some in the process.

This little blue bird, now watched you coming to your own pitiful ending.

Your carefree days has long ended and your inevitable death now awaits you.

Before you know it, the mug fell from your weak grasp and shattered on the pavement spilling out the remaining contents, the blue bird, startled and alarm, flew away into the depts of the multicolored sky.

Your back no longer supported off of your will, your nerves no longer responding or sending messages to your brain.

You fell lifelessly with a thud.
Your eyes remained open and glossy, as tears continued cascading down your wrinkled face.

Coffee, the bittersweet taste, was perfect to rest your soul.

And so you joined your deceased husband.
The little blue bird, watched you from a distance as you rested in eternal peace.


I almost cried writing this as I imagined every single detail.
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