Dear old and future crushes and people that I grow to care about I wonder Is it worth it the pain and heartbreak of loving you when I gave you my heart but then you stomped all over it then threw it away like yesterday's garbage is it worth all those salty tears and emotional breakdowns for the mean words you said to sound cool or to be liked by others did you realize that you hurt not just me but my friends who look out for me and are hurt when I am hurt so I ask you is it worth hurting so many people because you don't like the way they look and what they wear is it worth seeing so many people in pain really i must know do you know what it's like to have this warm feeling in your chest and body sucked out of you because I do and it's so painful that I want to curl into a ball in cry my eyes out but I don't, do you want to know why, its because I have to stay strong and accept that you are not worth the love of an amazing person who everyday deals with other peoples problems but enjoys helping them I let you know I am strong and if you stample my heart yes it will be painful, yes it will hurt but it will be ok I know it will probably hurt like hell but it's worth it I and everyone else will find someone who will love and accept my crazy, sensitive fangirl, amazing self and I can't wait for it so yes to me every heartbreak is worth it until i find my Darling so thank you for opening my eyes, heart,mind and soul.
Love, Me303 words