Pain and Horror the Only Things in my Life

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Pain and Horror the Only Things in my Life

Here I am, lying under my bed. My dad is going crazy at mum. They're both screaming at each other.

It's late! Really late!

"OH, JUST SHUT UP RICTER!!" my mum screamed.

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" dad yelled back.

I heard the drawing of what sounded like a blade.

I got really frightened now.

"Don't you dare or you'll be sorry!" I heard mum say in a quivery voice.

"OH, WHY SOULDN'T I? GO ON TELL ME!?!" A long pause took place.

Then a horrifying scream shot through my ears.

"How could you?" I heard mum squeak. Her voice weak and fragile. There was no noise from her after that.

I heard the front door slam and running footsteps outside. The car engine started and it drove off. I have a bad feeling about this. I lay there for another minute or two wondering what to do. I decided I should come out. I crept out quietly and slowly. I peeped around the corner of the kitchen, I saw something that would change my life forever.

.......................................3days later..................................................

I looked out my cracked window. The sound of the wind whistled through out my room. Silence then crept in. A sense of nothingness filled the air. I had nothing. Nothing at all. That night, that awful night my mother left me, and my father committed suicide. The thought exhausts me. Why did he do it? What was going on between them that I had no power to stop? Why? Why? These questions haunt me and they will forever continue to haunt me until I find the truth. It's not likely. Especially since I'm in this apartment still. The same run down apartment I was brought to from the moment I got let out of hospital. I will also die in this house just as my mother did. Mum. I tear ran down the side of my face. The thought of her made me so sad and terrified that I could hardly move. I had barely moved in days. The occasional toilet stop but still the thoughts couldn't escape me there. I felt the chill of another tear arise in my eyes. I couldn't help it. I burst out in a terrible cry. I don't care anymore. No one else cares about a child with no parents and no hope. A child like me. A child exactly like me. I didn't stop crying until there were no more tears to cry.

I took one last look out my window before I opened it. The air rushed into my face blowing my hair all over the place. I looked down at the two storey drop. Hopefully a five metre drop would kill me instantly. No pain like my mother felt. No agony my father felt when he also jumped. But here I am, left with the painful thoughts and the regrets. I couldn't take this any more. I took my last look at this horrible world that people force me to live in. Now I feel in total control. I took an almighty leap and felt the air gushing into my face. The only thought that was in my mind was how could the world live with out my father or my mother. And now they live without me. I hit the pavement. I huge jolt ran right up my legs. They collapsed underneath me. My head hit the ground hard. My lights went out instantly.

When I opened them I saw my mother and father standing in front of me with their arms out wide. There was nothing else in this white room. Finally we can be united and live together forever more.

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