Introductions to Insanity

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Wandering in their own little worlds, always lost, never found.
No one knows where they're bound
Their minds have shattered beyond repair

Join us now, and pull up a chair.

Welcome, crazies, to the place where insanity is welcome! The Crazy Club is a place where crazies like you can hang out, ask random questions, roleplay, and/or make new crazy friends!

To join, please quickly fill out the form and follow the rules:

Nickname: (we'll give you one if you don't))
What makes you insane:

I'll start

Nickname: Kat
Gender: Female
What makes me insane: Talking to myself, laughing to myself, singing to myself, in my own world. All. The. Time.

Does hearing voices count?

No.1 for RPs: no smut is allowed. Hugging and kissing is fine, just please do not go overboard, or you will be kicked out. And we don't want that ^^

No. 2: HAVE FUN! This is a place for crazies to hang out and be as crazy as you want!

Anything else you wish to add, please do so! We'd love to get to know your crazy little self, and tag other crazies so they can join!!!


Let's get this show on the road ^^

Kat out 😎

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