Galaxy / Introduction

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I jolted awake as I heard the teacher call my name. "Asher! Wake up! This is the sixth time this week you have fallen asleep! Head to the office, now." I got up in a zombie- like state, and watched her walk to the phone, to make a call to inform the office that I was coming. This wasn't new. I grabbed my backpack and dragged it with me to the office. 

I sighed. My father wuld not be happy about this. I would be lucky to get out with only a few bruises. After mom left, he had been drunk 24/7, leading to scars and blood loss on my part. I groaned and sat in a chair outside the principal's office. I kicked back my legs on the small coffee table in front of me, and smoothed out my leather jacket, staring at my boots. I must look like some kind of delinquent. That's great.

 I looked around and saw a boy that seemed a little younger than me with a tear stained face, and a puffy nose, fiddling with his hands, and shaking. He must have not slept for a while, because dark eye bags stood out among his pale face. He glanced over to me, and quickly glanced away, seeing my gaze on him.

A red blush settled upon my face. He must have thought I was staring. Hoping to recover from the embarrassment, I put on a smirk, and muttered, "Dang, sorry I was staring. You just look like you need some sleep." He turned towards me, staring into my eyes, then quickly shifting his gaze to fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. 

He lifted his hand up, his sleeve sliding down to reveal blood- stained bandages on his wrists, and stuttered, "I-I'm At- tlas" A middle- aged woman paced in. "Atlas, hon, your therapist is ready. Come now" A look of pure terror passed over his face, and he slowly moved past me, making a dash for the door. A few men that looked about a decade older than him started to pelt after him.

What had I just witnessed? I looked over to the seat he was sitting in, seeing he left something behind. It seemed to be an envelope? I shuffled over to his seat and sat in it, shoving the envelope in my bag. Just as I did this, the principle called me into his office. "Asher, not again. Are you not getting enough sleep?" he grumbled. "Next time this happens, you will get a two day suspension." He frowned. "I have tried to call your parents, but the numbers are invalid. Have them fix it." 

My eyes shifted to the floor. I often forgot that most people didn't know about my father. I nodded and with a "Sorry sir, it won't happen again.", I made my way out the door, and dashed out the door. I ripped the envelope out of my bad and then threw it over my shoulder. I gingerly opened the letter, only to find a necklace with a moon on it, and a note with the repeating sentences, "Let's go to the moon together, stranger" and "Don't let them take me" written in black ink.

I grimaced. what had I gotten myself into? This Atlas boy needed help, and needed to be sent to a doctor, but why was he so scared of a therapist? I made my way along a slightly wooded trail to my house. I felt a pang of pity for Atlas. He obviously cut himself, and was terrified of his doctors. I started to think. What had they done to him. I gasped in pain as I realized I had been gripping the moon charm so hard I had ruptured the skin on my hand.

I Exhaled as I felt the blood drip down my hand. I yelped, only to have it muffled with a petite, soft hand. I realized it must be Atlas. I grabbed his hand, and with an exchange of glances, he understood that I understood, and we ran to my house, stopping at my door. I slowly moved my hand over my mouth to signal for him to be quiet. I fumbled for my keys, and opened the door, padding quietly to the kitchen with Atlas on my tail. 

I sighed in relief as I saw the note my father had left, if I could even call him that. It read, "I will be gone for the weekend, behave or there will be consequences." Nothing revealed where he was, but I didn't matter to me. He could be dead for all I care. I smiled, and looked over to Atlas. "My father will be gone for the weekend. You are safe. Do you want me to call your parents, mate?" 

His face went pale. He looked into my eyes, and I decided I wouldn't do anything, and I would let him stay. I looked over to him. "Lets go to my room, I'll set up a bed for you. We will be seen down here." I said, smiling. I shrugged. "Maybe you can tell me why you are hiding? Are you ok?" He grinned a sweet smile. "I'll tell you when the eagle's ear can't hear." He giggled, and I sighed. This boy was confusing me more and more by the second.

We slowly made our way up to my room, and stopped at the closet next to my door. I opened it, and pulled out a blanket, and some pillows. I wondered where he would sleep. My bed was big enough for two, but I'm not sure if that would be awkward or not to ask. We made our way into my room, and I asked. "Would you like the bed? Or the floor? I don't mind the floor." He looked at me questionably, and tilted his head to the side. "Is the bed not big enough for both of us?" he questioned. 

He was too innocent. My face turned red. "I- I'll just sleep on the floor." I stammered. He looked at me, and then turned around, pulling his sweater off, revealing his small frame and bloody bandages on his arms. I looked away, and opened my bathroom door. "I'm going to take a shower, and rinse off." He nodded and sat down on my black duvet, making himself as home, snuggling up in my blankets.

I walked into the bathroom, and stripped off my dark clothes. My scars were flaring up again. I stared at the cigarette burns and knife- inflicted scars that ran across my chest. I sighed and walked into the shower, closing the curtain behind me. As  I shower, I reflect on what happened today. My brow creases, and I realize how bizarre my day has actually been. I fell asleep in class, and now a have another guy in my room.

I almost slip as I hear someone open the door. I sigh as I realize that it's just Atlas. "Asher?" He asks. "Yes?" I reply, turning the shower off and pulling a towel around my waist. His eyes widen as his eyes roam over me, and for a moment I forget. "Wha-what ha-happened" He stammered, starting to shake. He was as white as a sheet, and it looked like he was going to faint.

I rushed over and grabbed his arm. "It's okay, I'm fine, no worries!" I stress. His expression is blank, and he just buries his face in my chest. I blush furiously and lead him to my bed so he can lay down. I reassure him that I would be right back, and that I was just going to go to my closet to get pajamas on. I slide on some form fitting boxers and a loose kpop shirt.[Author here! Bite me. He likes Kpop :3] I usually don't wear shirts to bed, but I didn't want to freak Atlas out again. He seemed too fragile.


Ehhhhhhhhhhh Author Here ;3

owo sorry that was kinda short.

words total 1336 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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