bright violets

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"Omg, Look she's sitting down and she is sweating her fat ass off" I heard somebody laugh God couldn't people tell the difference between Sweat and tears.. i wiped the tears from my eyes, grabbed my book bag which sat beside me, got up and walked off i heard the person laughing and joking with there friend about me.. curse my good hearing.. sometimes i wish i could just die nobody gets how emotionally destroyed i am, not even my own brother. James is older than me by a year he has a tall bulky figure and girls just drop to there knees around him.. literally he has shaggy Black hair same colour as my own and bright green eyes.. we used to be close now.. he tease's me along with eeryone else.. By this time my hearing had gotten really sensitive i could still hear those people mocking me and i was half way down the road "What the fuck" i whispered as my ears nearly blew, i covered my my ears and kept walking, i kept getting this sudden erg i just bolt into the forest i was walking near.. i gave in as my body started to ignite like my body was on fire and about after 5 minutes i was deep into the forest, i collapsed onto the ruff dirt, I could no longer move any bone in my body.. tears silently slipped down my face at this moment i felt so fat and usless, I screamed when all my bone's began to shift and break.. i cried all i wanted was to move and run home to james into his arms so he'd comfort me like he use to, after what felt like ages it all stop the burning, the ringing in my ears, my bones breaking and shifting and i opened my eyes until right now i realised had been shut, i got up on all fors 'weird' i thought this felt natural i tried getting up on the legs but i didn't have the strength to do so 'Whats going on!' I tried to scream but instead i howled 'Wait.. WHAT' i scrambled around and feel straight over i looked down and saw pure white paws I got up and bolted 'I'm a wolf? A FUCKING WOLF' i slid to a stop, I'm a were-wolf obviously, i've read about these creatures i never believed in them.. until now.. Wait someone in my family must be a wolf too.. mum or dad or BOTH! why wouldn't they tell me about this i sat down and thought to myself if what i've read is true i should have been told about this long ago i growled 'How do i change back' i thought to myself i got up and ran till i was in the tree lining behind my house 'God, im going to be stuck like this FOREVER' even though being in wolf form felt more natural than human i'd like to go back to question my 'family' i thought about them James, Mum, Dad.. Myself.. My Long thick Black way hair, My soft tanned skin i shut my eyes if i could smile i'd be smiling.. my first true smile... i haven't truely smiled in about 4 years ever since i started high school and my brother drifted from me I growl from the memory.. "Oi! Everyone! Look a fat piece of shit" A boy yelled down the hall i stood there shocked as every turned to stare at me.. sure im fat but.. im only young everyone started laughing even my own brother "I told you to lay off the junk food Avery Now you as fat a fucking Blue whale" i stared at James wide eyed my own brother said this to me, the same brother who was told this morning by our 'loving' mother to take care of me on my first day He walked over to his group of friends and cracked up i cried and ran out of the school.. wishing and hoping to never go back.. I growled really loud so loud i heard a ruckus coming from james's room "Fuck.. Avery's changed" i heard him whisper i growled louder, letting him know i had heard "Shit.. i'm Dead" he cried i heard foot steps in his room as he walked over to his window opened it and then jumped out "Avery?" he shouted i walked out of the tree lining "Woah.. Avery?? Your wolf looks amazing" He said shocked I growled so loud the window's of our house shook "Avey calm down" calling me by my nickname made me growl even louder "James what is going on out there" I heard my dad shout "Avey changed" He shouted back all i heard was silence.. after 5 minutes i heard two pairs of feet running down the stairs the back door slammed open "AVEY!" my parents screamed in joy i growled and backed off towards the tree line 'These are the people who lied to you.. they didn't tell you about me' my inner wolf spoke i whinned and collasped to the ground and shook my parents and james ran over to me my bones cracked breaking once again the burning started and my eyes felt tingly i just layed there after the pain went away "woah" I heard James whisper i stood up shakely it felt weird being on two legs i looked at my body i was covered in dirt but woah.. I had lots heaps of weight so much i had abs and you could see my ribs.. the fat must have moved up into my boobs cause they were big and pushed up with natural clevage I smimled my skin was even more tanned than before i stared right at my brother and stated "Who's fat now BITCH!" my parents and him just kept staring at my eyes "WHAT NOW!?!? ANOTHER FLAW WITH MY NEW BODY!!" I screamed and was about to run off when James grabbed my arm i glared at him he pulled of his shirt and gave it to me only realising now i was in my birthday suit "It's.." He gulped "your eyes" he said i growled at him and yanked my arm away flinking the back door open pulling it off its hinges and straight into a baby pine tree slicing it in half i stomped up our stair case with my family hot on my trail i opened my oak wooden bedroom door passing my walking in wardrobe, kingbed, veranda and into my ensuite bathroom i stared at myself wide eyed in the mirror my teeth were perfectly sraight and pure white, my lips a rose colour but my eyes.. they were just like.. Bright violets

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2012 ⏰

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