PROLOGUE // the set-up

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Juliet scurried through the familiar house, relishing in the distraction that had occupied her best friend for the moment, allowing her to continue her search. The walls of the house were a pretty pale white, adorned with a myriad of photos and other memorabilia - including a graduation cap, a diploma, and a bachelor's degree, as well as some artwork. The aged wooden floorboards creaked under Juliet's sock-clothed feet, causing her to swear lightly under her breath. Her blonde, perfectly-manicured curls bounced as she picked up her pace, her acrylic nails twittering together in a sign of anxiousness.

Juliet stopped at the door emboldened with the name 'Maya'. Juliet's acrylic-nails halted at the doorknob as a moment of hesitation forced her to question herself. She breathed, shaking the doubts away with a slight twist of her head, pushing the door open with renewed confidence.

Her eyes cast around the room, with it's darker grey, tinged with blue walls. The bed was white, with youthful, multi-colored bedding that seemed out of place with the minimalistic nature of the rest of the room. There were little-to-no decorations within the room, typical of Maya's obsessive-compulsive, type-A obsessiveness. The only real decoration was some fairy lights hanging above the matching white desk and drawers, as well as one piece of artwork, and some photographs attached to the wall. Juliet sighed as she drank in her surroundings, subconsciously nit-picking and deciding all of the more fashionable changes she'd make if it were hers.

Juliet's gaze landed on the wardrobe, which she tore open quickly. The clothes within it were garish and in a range of hues, something Juliet viewed with distaste. She found her prize quickly, the heavy-set, aged red book that was hidden away in the top of the wardrobe.

Holding it gingerly, she admired the cover. Red, with gold-leaf decor, the book was titled with 'The Kissing Book' - hand stitched. At the bottom, in permanent marker, 'Grace Elizabeth' was scrawled messily, contrasting to the eloquent typeface the soon-to-be lawyer wrote with today. She opened it, to see almost half the book filled. The self-written contents page was separated into creatively entitled year groups.

Grace Elizabeth; A middle-school cringe fest [Ages 10-13]

The Time We Don't Talk About [14-16]

Jason Hargrove {Heartbreak} Years; [16-18]

I Discover One Night Stands - AKA; the time Grace Elizabeth becomes a hoe [18-21]

Juliet stopped reading at that, barking out a laugh at Grace's humor. Juliet was well aware that Grace stopped writing midway through the latter period, having passed the book on to her younger sister. Still, the stories that Juliet and Maya had spent many, many hours combing through had been wild.

Juliet then turned the book over in her hands, viewing it with distaste. All it said, in big, bold lettering smack in the center of the book was - 'M A Y A'. Still red, she pulled it open with one manicured finger. Juliet grimaced.

At seventeen years old, Maya's side of the Kissing Book was only one page. She could barely repress the sigh as her eyes quickly glanced at the boring, middle-school encounters that had occurred before Maya had become super wrapped up in the land of school. Sure, Maya had had plenty of opportunities, seeing as how she was slightly above average in terms of looks and merely because she was Grace Elizabeth's sister, she had never taken them.

Maya Elizabeth had been a monumental disappointment. Her sister, who carried herself with confidence and flair, seamlessly integrating herself into the height of popularity, with incredible looks and smarts was the polar opposite of Maya. Maya, who barely bothered with her brown hair, that was thin and easily styled, choosing instead to throw it into a ratty ponytail. Maya, who spent more time in the library then talking to people. Maya, who had incredible make-up skills as a result of her ten years of dancing, yet never used them.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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