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Our home planet. Ruined. Utterly destroyed. That is the only outcome now. The once pale blue sky is now a sickly black and orange, and bombs ignite all around me. I clutch my white bundle tightly, and sprint through the cloud and smoke. A huge golden spindle-tower collapses behind me and the arch that I run through now cracks and splinters with the effort of carrying thousands of pounds of debris from a house that was torn apart. Large bangs are heard throughout, along with fiery crashes that are most likely fallen aircraft. I run quickly through a back alley, duck underneath a fallen rock, and stop to catch my breath on the nearby quartz wall. Not a moment too soon, and I would have been crushed by spinning rotor blades from some sort of airborne vehicle. The metal rotors spin wildly around, kicking up sparks and tearing up the once beautiful marble road. I duck as it flings itself around until it loses momentum. Safe again, I check my package, and sigh in immeasurable relief as he stares at me with his enticing eyes. They are a swirling liquid gold, and swish around inside his eyes as if they were a bottle of swishing water. I carefully set down my precious cargo on the cold marble ground, as I was told, and extracted a long needle from my weathered jacket pocket. The liquid inside was a strange unearthly green, and seemed to writhe around inside the needle. Shuddering, I sterilized the utmost tip, and pierced it in a specific spot on his small baby face, in between the eye and the ear. I covered up my package before I could see the transformation the needle would have on him, and I was a bit curious, but I knew handing it off to Sam was top priority. If what I carried was dropped, or even harmed, I would be killed, and if it didn't make it at the right time, I was going to be exiled to prison for the rest of my life, which would mean a thousand years in the leftover, rough granite used in cheaper buildings, and containment rooms. A small hand reached out of the bundle, and grasped longingly into the diseased air, as if he knew what was going to happen to him, as if he knew that the entire survival of the Oronan Empire rested on his tiny shoulders.

Sucking in harsh, dirty air, I rushed to the abandoned district of Matusque, where Sam resided, laying in wait for the right moment. Matusque used to be one of the poorer sections in the city, with third grade granite and marble, but still managed to be ravishing, with the exotic plants and clear sidewalks made of gleaming glass. It became popular, until the red men came, and targeted Matusque, ending many lives, and future generations that would have eventually governed the planet. Another projectile screamed on its way down to the city, destroying several more once elegant marble statues and buildings. Dirty beggars and once rich landlords with torn coats and haunted eyes hurried away from their homes, gathering what was left of their families, and trying to reach as far away as they possibly could. I stopped my twitching eye, and rubbed it tiredly with my free hand that was not occupied by the child, but only succeeded in smearing my pale eyelids with soot and grime. Lowering my bright blue eyes, I continued around a corner to enter the Matusque district. Almost there. I thought grimly, hoping with all my heart that the plan would carry out smoothly, without a hitch.

Right then, straight out of the blue, a crazy-eyed man with a long black coat shoved me out of the way, and I tripped, fell to the side, and was knocked down into a marble hole. The man continued on his way, hitting several other people. The deep hole, most likely created by explosives, was filled with deep gouges and sharp edges. I yelled and screamed from someone to assist me, but they simply ignored my pleas, and kept walking past like zombies in the blackened sky. I lay in the huge crevice, leg crumpled underneath me, but thankfully, my cargo was unharmed. Hearing him whimpering was saddening, and I resisted the urge to check upon him, to make sure he was still unharmed. To add on to my troubles, men with large weapons began herding civilians, and questioning them. In the distance, I could hear sharp shots and yelling. My plight worsened as a large man strutted up to my hole and peered down it, which looked like he was going to report me, or worse, leave me there. The man had striking features, and he had a certain bad feeling that seemed to follow him around, and I trembled with fear, anticipating the worst. Instead, he reached a strong hand down into my enclosure, and helped me out. He shielded me away from the red-eyed men and we successfully snuck past them into the Matusque district. I had very strict orders not to bring anyone else to Sam, but this tall neon blue-eyed man was kind-hearted, despite his almost gloomy appearance and his eyes were proof of it. If he was one of the evil minons trying to take presidence over Orona, then his eyes would be a unsettling red, unlike the majority of the population, who had all turned neon blue, whereas when Orona was peaceful and prosperous, all eyes were variety, with jolting purples, and strange orange. Nowadays, the only other variation was golden, and then, only if the person had royal blood in their veins. He's alright, I thought, Sam and the child will be okay, since I cannot walk by myself. I had broken a part of my ankle falling down the crevice, and the man had greatly sped up my process to Sam's secret residence. In the back of my mind though, there was a paranoid little sliver of doubt, which thought that he just acting, and wanted to assassinate Sam and end the war in favour of the minority. That is pretty extreme thinking, I thought again, but still couldn't shake off the fact that there was something off about the man. The tall man bared his teeth into a smile, and told me to wait as he went to go to the washroom, and instead of obeying like a mindless goat, I took off as fast as I could, limping back the way I had taken him, turned a few corners, some almost destroyed, and raced up to the household of Sam. The desolate apartment building he resided in looked like it was torn in half by an unlucky missile, and it was covered in dirt and grime. Marble chips, and broken glass was scattered all around me, and I tried to limp over the sharp shards, but was unlucky, and my flat shoes, which looked like a slice of marble attached to the bottom of my foot by magnetic connectors injected inside my skin, offered no protection, and soon enough I was even more cut up than before. Slowing, I tired to walk normally up to the front doorstep, which was cracked, and the marble door was torn off the hinges, and was caught at an unsure angle. No one would think the worlds most intelligent and most sought-after scientist would dare to live under these circumstances. I slipped around the doorframe, and proceeded up the rickety old staircase, wincing at every creak, and was slightly surprised as I was greeted by a brand new, bleached airtight door. I knocked on it twice, then kicked it, for good measure, and watched, amused as a magnified electric blue eye assessed me through the small glass hole inserted on the door. As quick as lightning, a short man with untidy hair then opened the door, and scooted me inside.

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