I LOVE JESUS Because i Am a Muslim

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Hey guys Peace be upon u all.Read and tell me how it is..


Jesus,Peace be upon him

The one who was sent to the world

Before prophet Mohammed by the lord

To guide us to the straight path

Which in Allah,he had a strong faith.

The son of the virgin Mary,the pious woman

Whom she believed in Allah,the almighty one

Of all the chapters in Quran,among them

Is the nineteenth chapter named after her name,Maryam.

Jesus,Peace be upon him

Everytime we spell his name

We add 'Peace be upon him' to the same

To give him honor and much respect

As he is one among Allah's prophets.

We,muslims believe that,

He was neither crucified

Nor sentenced to death

As he was never born to put in cross instead

By allah to Himself,he was raised.

The way he was born,

The way he was raised by the God,

The day he will return to the world,

Everything is a miracle by the lord.

He is no God rather

He himself believed in almighty Allah,the super power

And worshipped Him all through his years

By spreading the religion of islam to the others.

I couldn't be a complete muslim

If i didn't believe in him

As i believe in other prophets.

And I love Jesus,Peace be upon him

Just Because i am a Muslim.


dnt frgt to comment and vote guys...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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