I'd rather die

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"Dustin!" I scream "I'm here Kylie," he replies. "hey you need to get to school buddy," "will you drive me I don't want to take the bus," "sure bud," I'll be late but that's not unusual for me. After they died it happened a lot. after I dropped Dustin off I ran to my locker then realized there was no reason to rush because I was already late. I think I should probably skip first cause there's five minutes left and that way I won't get detention. I walk to the library because I have spare second, before you think anything I am like a nerd but I also have a social life. I don't really care what people think and I am brutally honest if those jeans make you look fat I will tell you you look fat. I pull out my latest book, the lightning thief, which might I say is amazing. "all girls between 16 and 18 please report to the large gym immediately!" rasps the secretary through the p.a. Well that's extremely weird they wouldn't call any toone down till after the bell which only has five more minutes left. This must be really important. I run through the halls pushing and shoving as I go not bothering to apologize to any one because the four foot wide halls are like a zoo full of wild animals. I catch up to my friend erica who is also a wolf. "Hey so what is this all about?" "don't you know? oh right you weren't here, it's the luna hunt," oh no not this I stumble backwards in to the crowd "no," I whisper barley audible. "no!" I scream I run back in to the crowd if girls forcing my way out the door. once I'm free of the crowd I sprint down the halls not really caring where I'm going. I eventually run through the front doors now if only I could remember where I parked my car. I run through the parking lot for what seems like hours but is actually only minutes. "Your highness thank you for coming," oh no I need to hide. but of corse there are no cars around me. I'll have to dash for the car in front of me. one two THREE!! I spint for the car but the youngest prince Rex spots me. he leans over and whispers something to the principal who then whispers back "ms.Jefferson please go back in to the school," yells the principal. as if. "Kylie Jefferson, go inside the school building now," he says using his alpha voice. my body is forced to come from behind the car but I fight the urge to run into the school building "I'd rather die!" I scream then I feel a cloth cover my mouth and nose so I hold my breath and go limp. the person lets go and I run shifting into my wolf before any one can stop me I run into the woods.

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