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Hey everyone, these are my last days on Wattpad. Now Wattpad has destroyed me and left my mental health in question. So bad so that my parents are fearful. This Friday I will be deleting the app. Some of you have me on other social media platforms and have stayed in contact with me. I'm grateful.

slendersenpai908 I have given you all my accounts to write down incase in the future you want to get in contact. I figured I'd let you know regardless. People, don't go spamming her for them please.

To everyone else, I'm happy for my time on here and how you've helped me improve and made me your friend but I've had too much dumped on my shoulders. I'm a 17 year old girl who struggles with life and everything on here has made it worse.

When I leave, don't self harm for me or do something like that, I will hate that beyond anything. Be happy for me and the memories, OK? Don't worry, I'll still be writing but on AO3 and maybe Fanfiction. Net. Not sure yet. I'll let you all know.

As for everyone else thank you so much. As I'm not on my old account, spread the word that I'm leaving if you must. I can't go on my old account. I wish you all happiness, love and light in your lives. Please keep smiling when it's hard and trust me, I'll be OK. Promise. :)

Thank you everyone. My last day is Friday, so until then I can talk. But to everyone, goodbye.

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