Unique Chapter: Part A

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After Season 6, Episode 10

A woman in her late twenties got up from her seat and faced the crowd she was with. They were all strangers, they didn't know her and she didn't know them. She figured that by the end of the night, they wouldn't be strangers anymore, but faces she could recognized on the streets. Taking a deep breath while pulling some strands of hair behind her ear, she spoke for the first time.

"Hi, my name is Mary, and I recently lost my eldest brother..."


At the same time, somewhere else, classical music could be heard by the neighbors, but that wasn't something new. Many times they had complained because of the loud volume, and the person living in the blasting-music apartment normally claimed responsibility or even acknowledgement of it. But tonight, the hallways were always grazed with that sound of old and familiar opera music.

Little did they know what was happening inside...


"That was very brave of you..." Mary Holmes turned to the speaker and saw a guy in his early twenties talking to her. She smiled softly and held her cup of tea with both hands.

"I don't know if 'brave' is the word you're looking for..." She argued, smirking. "My other brother would call it 'stupidity' maybe. But never bravery..." Both chuckled at the bad joke.

"In your place, I'd had moved on with my life, forgetting about them..." He admitted, shrugging. "But, you're here... and I'm having problems to understand why..." Mary raised an eyebrow at him, clearly a gesture of saying 'why I have to tell you?'. "Like, are you being masoquist-"

"That's enough, Tom." Another guy cut in, also around early twenties. In his face was a playful look, but his hand on Tom's shoulder said 'quit it'. Tom got the message and left them alone. "Please, forgive him... He sees conspiracies in a drop of water..."

"He would definitely get along with my brother..." Mary shrugged, not really caring.

"Are you from West London?" Mary raised her eyebrow is surprise, and the newcomer raised his hands. "Sorry, your accent is very particular and I have family in Ireland... that's why I recognized it..."

"Just a bit surprised, that's all... Sorry, I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, I'm John. Nice to meet you."

~oOo~ ~oOo~

Sunday morning was not a time Mary would like to go to work.

But unfortunately, the British Embassy Intelligence Agency doesn't wait for anyone to wake up.

"You're early." Her assitant greeted her, not even offering the usual cup of tea. That alone told Mary that the issue in hand was important and classified.

"Your call sounded like the Queen was dying, what were you expecting me to do?" She retorted, passing security showing her credentials. The walked gracefully and fast, while being briefed. "What happened?"

"They got hold of her." Mary sighed and listened. "Thankfully, we had the information from her weeks ago, but we haven't cracked it yet."

"The police will handle the matters about the murder. Help them if they ask." The assistant nodded, before Mary turned to him. "And I think I know of someone who can help us..."


Mary rang the bell, sighing to herself. This will probably end either bad or really bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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