Matching Tattoo

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My name is Jessica and I'm a pink heart. Let me tell you what this means. Everyone in this world is born with a shape tattooed on their shoulder. Every 2 people in this world have the same exact shape, color and all. We all search our lives looking for our match. Whoever we find is supposedly our true love. My parents are blue hearts. I'm 16 years old, and if I don't find my shape by 21, my shape will change. When my shape changes, I have to start my search all over again. I started my journey when I was 5, I've come across many people who claimed to be my match, but their hearts were a different color. Sometimes, if you can get into the castle, the King or Queen will give you a scavenger hunt. This scavenger hunt will give you directions to different places. In each place there is a new clue. At the end of your hunt, your match will be there waiting. If your match is using a scavenger hunt at the same time, your clue will glow. This is what happened to my mom and dad. my mom had to wait until she was 18 to get a clue and my dad had to be 19. Depending on your age now and the age you started, you might not be able to get a clue until you're older. You should only do the journey if you give up and decide you don't want to search yourself anymore.

Today I leave my house. I'm going to set off on a journey to the castle. I want to try to get a scavenger hunt. This is taking too long and I just want to find my match. I heard that it could be a blood bath. Everyone is trying to get a scavenger hunt they would kill the people in line ahead of them to get there first. I have to find a way to sneak in so i don't have to worry about getting killed.

I'm walking through the woods when I see a young girl. "What's your name?", I asked. "Lindsey" she replied. I'm not sure what to say next. Should I tell her my plan, or just keep walking? I decide to keep walking, I don't need any distractions or who knows what will happen. I finally arrive at the castle. All I hear are screams and cries. I get a little closer and hear gunshots. I know I can't risk going through the line, I have to find a way around the castle. Of course, the castle is surrounded by water with only 1 bridge. That bridge of course is covered with psychopaths and dead bodies. As I walk through the woods, trying to find a way around, I see a tree. I know you must be thinking, "Wow a tree. She is in the woods and found a tree." Well, this isn't a normal tree, this tree has something odd sticking up out of the trunk. As I get closer, it looks like a handle. I walk up, hesitating to open it. I reach for the handle, and open it. It's a tunnel so i decide to go through it. I'm not sure where this tunnel is going to lead, but I'm still going to go through it. All of a sudden, I see another door. As i reach for the door, I feel a sharp pain in my back. The room starts spinning and all I see is blackness. I can't see anything or hear anything. All of a sudden, I faint. What must have been a few hours later, I woke up. I woke up in a dark room. As I look up I see a strange man in a dark cloak looking down at me. "What's your name?" he says, in a deep scary voice. I simply reply by telling him my name. He starts to tell me how he found the tunnel while trying to make it to the castle. At the end of the tunnel there is a door leading into the castle. We decide we will set off together to find our matches.

Today Jared and i set off on our journey. As we enter the castle we see the front of the line. We jump in front when no one is looking. I get my hunt and I walk out of the castle. A few moments later Jared walks out. We are tired and decide to set off in the morning. We have to prepare, get weapons, and gather food. As i lay in bed I imagine what my match looks like. Is he tall, short? What color hair, eyes?

We just left the tunnel. We look at our maps and they are both glowing! We see that our first clue is right near each other so we will walk together at first. Our first clue reads:


One place far away near a broken bridge is all about the food. One day its Fair Food and the next its Ballpark. The day you must arrive is on Carnival day. Your clue is under a clown's bright wig.***

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2014 ⏰

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