I was nineteen when I first saw her. Hair tied up neatly, a sweater covering her frame, hanging off one shoulder, she looked calm. Peaceful, her eyes closed as she leaned over the railing. It was refreshing, I thought. Refreshing to see someone this at peace with nature, this comfortable in the environment. If I had known then, what happened and what would happen at the waterfall, and how the young lady would have captivated me, I would have ran. Turned away, and ran.
I saw her two days later when I came back, her eyes were open, staring into the depths of the river that the waterfall ran into. She was wearing a jacket instead of a sweater, once again it was gigantic on the small girl. She leaned over, eyes never faltering from the murky depths. Her shirt rose up, and I could make out the etching of a black inked tattoo on her lower back. She had not pegged me as the type to get tattooed, despite never having spoken a word to her, maybe I will. Maybe this time I will.
Waterfall || PJM
FanfictionI saw her there, standing by the waterfall looking down at the rushing waters, I saw her for days just staring into the abyss, almost as if she knew what lays beyond the darkened water. Beyond the pretty scenery.. almost as if it called to her.