Update...as of 10/9/2018

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So.....um...allow me to explain.

Last year I was a naive cookie.  I had a fandom I loved and I wanted to write about it and join a community of people who love to do the same.  I made a little account, posted a couple of stories I thought were pretty great, and then...

My school...

It blocked Wattpad.

Yes, you read that right.  Our school blocked Wattpad for whatever reason.  I could still write at home on the computer, but it wasn't as easy.

As of last (last LAST August, back in 2017), my account was really small.  My stories had maybe 50 reads total tops.  I've never been very confident in my stories, and I honestly felt a little embarrassed to post such stories.  I felt like they were undeserving of this wonderful platform.  Honestly, I still think like that now.

I've never really had much confidence at all in my stories.  I take criticism of them very critically and self-judge my work much harder than others do.  I made a new account and continued on, forgetting about this one.

Then, a new story appeared in my recommended.  One that wasn't there before.

"The Closet."  A story that had over 8 THOUSAND reads and looked oddly familiar to one that I'd written over a year ago.  I clicked on it, and I couldn't believe my eyes.





My LITTLE, INSIGNIFICANT story reached 8 THOUSAND reads??!!!

So here I am, over a year after posting that story, I'm reopening the account.  Hopefully, my stories have improved over the year I've been away.

I don't care if this is cliche, but I'd honestly like to thank everyone for the number of reads my little story got.  8 thousand people is an astonishing number, and, in reading the comments, I realized that some of you even shared my stories with your friends!  As a self-conscious writer, 8 thousand reads is an amazing accomplishment!  I can not explain to you how much this means to me!

I'm going to cry just writing this...

I never expected the amount of support I've gotten.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.

The story wasn't even that good...but people liked it anyway.

They didn't care about the grammatical issues.

They didn't care about my stupid word choice.

They didn't care about my cliche idea.

They didn't care.

They read my story regardless.

Yep, definitely crying.

This means SO MUCH to me!  I can't explain it.  Thank you so, SO much!

So...I'm already working on a new idea.  I hope you'll enjoy it.


- SecretlyLadybug

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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