Chapter 1

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" FUCK! Man, proofs can suck my dick!"

Ding Ding was scowling at his homework so hard Chris was sure the little blue pimples on his face would pop, spewing gross alien puss everywhere.

" That's what you get for signing up for Honours Geometry you fucking retard ."
His Irish accent putting a condescending emphasis on the "a".

" It's not that doing the math is hard, it just seems so fucking unnecessary to write all this shit."

At this point Chris was no longer listening. He was more concerned with picking up his Minster Energy drink with his feet so he could keep playing Crash Bandicoot.

Just then Julian came down the basement stairs to join his friends brandishing a bowl of chips.

" Hey, are either of you going to Marks Party this weekend?"

"No." , said Ding Dong vigorously eraseing his last five minutes of work.

" Dude I can't go to Mark's party."

" Why not Chris", mmuffled Julian spraying chip crumbs everywhere.

" Dude, Shawns' gonna be there, he steals my Irish thunder. I try to avoid him when I can."

" Fair'nuff."

All of the sudden the lights and the TV went dark.


" Sorry guys, can we leave. I can't take another grounding."

" Whatever."

"Sure man."

Outside Chris and Julian tossed a Frisbee back and fourth while Ding Dong leaned against the house hogging what little shade there was.

" Uuuuuugggghhh, I fucking hate living in Arizona! It's always hot as Hell!", he groaned as he began a wall sit. Halfway thorough he gave up and fell flat on his tail.

Chris looked up at the hot sun through the cracks in his fingers.

" Dude go!"

Without moving his eyes Chris through the blue plastic disk way past his target over the fence.

" Chris you fucking airhead look what you did!

" Hey at least I can throw it more than a meter Jullian."

The three boys walked down the street shuffling their feet on the sizzling hot afternoon sidewalks. Each trying to find a good excuse as to why he couldn't knock on the door. Eventually Chris drew the short straw.

* Knock Knock*

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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