The drive

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Sarah's POV

It was 5 fricken am and we were in the car driving to San Francisco. Like.... Wat?! I should still be asleep. "Ugh! Sarah are we there yet!!??" Ashlee yelled at me. "No! We left like 20 minutes ago and you have asked me that like 100 times already!!" Oh my golly this was going to be a looonng ride.

Ashlee's POV

So basically after hours of boredom, loud music and youtube videos we finally made it Florida!! I was so excited! The sun, beaches, and hot guys;)) this was gonna be the best summer ever!!

Lallis POV

I have been waiting for this trip for 2 years now!! I can't wait to get in the beach! I haven't been to Florida in so many years I don't even remember what it looks like. This trip is going to be amazing!!


Okay so in this book Sarah and Hayes are 18. Nash and Matthew are 21.

Also Lalli and Ashlee are 17.:))

I'm sorry the first chapter is so short the next chapters will be longer:))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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