Chapter One

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Hi i am Ella, I am 20 years old. I go to school at Stanford and major in a little of everything, except anything with numbers. But before u go thing oh this is just another dumb girl who didn't know shit and is just snobby as hell, well ur wrong. I just get everything in math confusing but, enough about my math problems. I do a little of everything because I am super indecisive. I mean what girl isn't. Let's just say I wanna keep my options open just in case... But to the beginning... I grew up in a small town called majestic. Now I know what your thinking. Dumb name right, yeah I know. They named it that after all the fog that we have almost twenty four seven. Because it only falls in our town and some dumb urban legends. Creepy right.

I moved away two years ago for school and now I finally get to come home. Which crazy as it is my best friends are will be there. We all got accepted to collage at the same time, it was so bitter sweet. When we all got our mail my mom held them all and, let us open them one by one. From each collage we applied to. I went first and found out I got rejected from harvard, yale, Columbia etc. But got in at Stanford. After I went then Mariana went and got in Columbia and, Galaxyia got in Harvard. I am so proud of them both but, after that week I haven't seen them sense. We text, call and video chat when we can. But it's nothing like having them next to me.

It's been hard having to adjust without them. But I've managed, made some friends. I just hope there ok too... Mariana or M as we call her is your average girly girl. She loves make up and clothes so don't even take her ass to the mall. Unless you wanna be stuck there till you drag her out. But on the other hand, she's so laid back. If you ever need a pick me up kind of day, then she's your go to girl. She so small standing at five foot. With long dark brown hair with blue highlights. She never leaves the house with out her purse, phone or a good chapstick.
"Always gotta be ready cause you never know who Prince charming is"
She always says.
She always wears shoes with a heel. Which makes it hard when we're trying to adventure. And that lady's and gentlemen is Miss Mariana. Now... Galaxyia aka "X" or "Lexi". But do not call her Galaxyia, she hates it. I happen to love the name because, let's face it she's named after the fucking galaxy. Total badass. But shes the total opposite of M. She doesn't hate makeup. She just doesn't like it, when it takes forever like how M does it. So she just wears mascara and brow gel. As for fashion shes more just a skinny jeans and t-shirt type of girl. Shes your average five foot six inch girl, with a short black bob. She has a hoop in her nose at all times and, her belly button ring that M and I pierced when we were 15. At the time it seemed all the rage but X trusted us... after we got her drunk. But the thing is with X, is if you want her to get real interested in stuff. Take her to best buy or anything tech, or she love the library. She likes topics like murder, fantasy, that's her jam. But despite the fact that there so different, i am like them both combined. A little bit of everything. I am five foot three, with medium black/blue hair. We all have brown eyes and an olive skin tone. Which I think is crazy because, we always called each other sisters. Ever sense we first met in kindergarden.

My mom told me there mom used to get us confused. Or people would tell her how cute her triplets are. Surprisingly though it worked good for birthday partys because our mom's would do them in to one and we would have huge party's. It's been two years... I still can't believe it and in less than fourth eight hours i will get to see M, X, All our moms and, Tiny my Chihuahua. I am so excited, and how I know alive been laying in bed for four hours dozing in and out of sleep... Before I know it i drift off awaiting my big day.

Hope ur enjoying the story so far, if you enjoyed like comment. I love the feedback and positive messages.
Until the next chapter........

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