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"Amanda, it's time for your daily break." my nurse says as she enters my room. I despise my nurse, she was the one who told my father to bring me here, but then again it's better then being at home.

"Still wearing the same ugly thing I see,Emma." I say glaring at her as she cleans parts of my room.

"Still have the same terrible attitude, Amanda." she says back.

"What, do you expect me to like it here? It's a mental institution for crazies. I'm not crazy."

"Crazy enough to cut, to do drugs, and almost hang yourself. Your right your completely normal." If she wasn't the head of nurses I would've cussed her out already, but then remembering, I have to loose my temper so I can get out of this hell hole.

"Get up, it's time for your break." she tells me as she gestures me towards the door.

As I get up I check in the mirror, I'm looking Insane as always.

A/N: if your reading this thank you(: this is my first fanfic, and it might suck so far but I'm going to try my best to make it work. Ily thanks for reading. xx


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