the first rant: fortnite part 1

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I used to play fortnite. I regret it. Alot. I originally played it because alot of kids in fith grade did it, and it was one of the only ways to communicate with new people for me. Ok actually that made me sound like I'm lonely or I have depression, ok correction, I wanted to be more cool, which would mean playing fortnite. The only good ting it lead to was me learning how to work my ps4, so I started to play more games, and then I got bored of fortnite. So the official rant.
First off, it's graphics. What is this? A cartoon? This proves more it's dedicated for little kids. And the "rare skins" yea when they are rare nearly everybody buys them so they are not even rare at that point. The game itself is free, but then your pressured into buying a skin or the battlepass so you won't get made fun of for being "a defaulty boi"
Yes, it keeps adding new stuff every week, *new version of myself jumps in wearing a anti-fortnite helmet and uniform* EVER HEARD OF CONTENT OVERLOAD. It makes the game unbalanced, for the "noob players" and doesn't really reward pro or better players. And new season 6 battlepass came out, me looking at skins:ok a.... DJ llama? Ok den, a cowgirl,defiantly not done alot of times before, fine I guess......... a werewolf, yep completely original, and a guy riding a llama........ throws tablet across room* welp fortnite is running out of ideas for skins.
I'm going to make a next part of this on Friday.

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